Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Ancient View of Blacks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Ancient View of Blacks - Essay Example "The Greeks and the first European accounts of the physical characteristics of certain African peoples, frequently used a color-term - Aithiops, Aethiops, Ethiopian- literally a burnt-faced person - as a designation for the blackest and most wooly-haired people known to them. But it is not generally known that Ethiopian carried no stigma of inferiority" (Bowser 1995 pg 3). If the way that dark skinned people were depicted in the artwork and writings of those times is 'no stigma of inferiority' then it would be reasonable to assume that these people were treated as equals, and dissimilar to the disdain with which some dark-skinned individuals, and their communities are treated in today's modern world. That slavery was a common practice during the Greek and Roman eras is readily accepted as fact by most experts. Evidence that slavery was common and accepted can be found in writings from many philosophers of that era including Aristotle. "Aristotle's doctrine of natural slavery was a refined version of such reputable, practical wisdom on slavery through it we are gaining access to something approaching the standard view of the supposedly rational Greek slave-holder on the nature and justification of slavery." (Cartledge 1993 pg 122). Because Aristotle was justifying the ancient Greek's use of slavery, we can assume that slavery was important enough to them that they felt they had to justify it. In modern terms, or scenarios, when mentioning slavery an immediate thought comes to mind concerning the Black race, probably because the last time there was prevalent slavery it was due to that race being enslaved. That was not necessarily true in ancient Greek and Rome, especially with the Greeks, because (some believe) that would mean that they were enslaving themselves or their relatives.Bernal says, "Plutarch admitted Greece's deep cultural debts to Egypt, he took it as axiomatic, for instance, that Greek religion came from Egypt." (Bernal 2001 pg 3). If, as Plutarch admitted, Greek religion came from Egypt, would that not mean that Egyptians also came and settled what was to become Greece It would seem likely, and if that held true, and again we refer back to Bernal and his assertion that Egyptians were from the Bla ck race, that would mean that the Greeks were descendants of Negroid descedants. At the very least experts believe that the Egyptians intermixed with the Kushites (who were black). "The history of Kushite-Egyptian contacts was in large part the story of Egypt's efforts to exploit the human and natural resources of Kush, and of Kush's response to the commercial and imperial ambitions of its northern neighbors" (Snowden 1983 pg 21). Snowden states that Pepynakht (a noble from Elephantine) reported that he had been commissioned to pacify the countries to the south (Kush) and that he did so. An inscription from Pepynakht's tomb informs us that "he had slain many leaders, and that he had returned with many.were Negroid is not known, but Negroeswere among captives taken in the southern campaigns of Pepy I and II." (Snowden 1983 pg
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay Example for Free
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay #1 -Huck has a grim attitude towards Widow Douglas and her sister, Miss Watson. Huck has a grim attitude toward people he disagrees with or doesnt get along with. Huck tends to alienate himself from those people. He doesnt let it bother him. Unlike most people Huck doesnt try to make his point. When Huck has a certain outlook on things he keep his view. He will not change it for anyone. For instance in Chapter Three when Miss Watson tells Huck that if he prayed he would get everything he wished for. â€Å"Huck just shook his head yes and walked away telling Tom that it doesnt work because he has tried it before with fishing line and fishing hooks. †This tells us that Huck is an independent person who doesnt need to rely on other people. #5 How is Jim betrayed? How does Huck react? What does this show about his character? How has he changed his mind about Jim at this point? Jim is very much like a father to Huck. He looks out for Huck and he is respected and looked upon by Huck. This is also more significant because Huckleberry Finn never had a father and he never really had a role model. Jim serves this purpose perfectly. Throughout all of his adventures Jim shows compassion as his most prominent trait. He makes the reader aware of his many superstitions and Jim exhibits gullibility in the sense that he Jim always assumes the other characters in the book will not take advantage of him. One incident proving that Jim acts naive occurs halfway through the novel, when the Duke first comes into the scene â€Å"By right I am a duke! Jim’s eyes bugged out when he heard that †In the novel, Huck Finn, one can legitimately prove that compassion, superstitious and gullibility illustrate Jim’s character perfectly. To begin with, among the many characteristics of Jim, his compassionate nature shows throughout the book. When Huck and Jim come across the floating boathouse, Jim finds a dead man inside. He advises Huck not to look as he says, â€Å"It’s a dead man dead two er three days come in Huck, but doan’ look at his face. †At the end of the book the reader finds out that the dead man turns out as Huck’s father. Further on down the river, Huck and Jim engage in a deep conversation. Jim speaks of the family he feels he has left behind. Jim tries hard to save up all his money in hopes of buying back his wife and children when he becomes a free man. He expresses that he feels terrible for leaving behind his family and misses them very much. As a result, Huck feels responsible and guilty for ruining Jim’s freedom. Huck decides that he wants to reveal the truth, that Jim really isn’t a free man. His conscience tells him not to and instead he finds himself helping Jim rather than giving him up. Jim feels so thankful to Huck when he says . . . it’s all on account of Huck, I’s a free man, you’s the best friend Jim’s ever had †#6 Huck is constantly rebelling against â€Å"civilization†in the story. Has he become more â€Å"civilized†at the end of the novel? Why or why not? The conflict between society and the individual is a theme portrayed throughout Twains Huckleberry Finn. Huck was not raised in accord with the accepted ways of civilization. He practically raises himself, relying on instinct to guide him through life. As portrayed several times in the novel, Huck chooses to follow his innate sense of right, yet he does not realize that his own instincts are more moral than those of society. From the very beginning of Hucks story, Huck clearly states that he did not want to conform to society; The Widow Douglas she took me for her son, and allowed she would sivilize me I got into my old rags and my sugar hogshead again, and was free and satisfied. When Pap returns for Huck, and the matter of custody is brought before the court, the reader is forced to see the corruption of society. The judge rules that Huck belongs to Pap, and forces him to obey an obviously evil and unfit man. One who drinks profusely and beats his son. Later, when Huck makes it look as though he has been killed, we see how civilization is more concerned over finding Hucks dead body than rescuing his live one from Pap. This is a society that is more concerned about a dead body than it is in the welfare of living people. The theme becomes even more evident once Huck and Jim set out, down the Mississippi. Huck enjoys his adventures on the raft. He prefers the freedom of the wilderness to the restrictions of society. Also, Hucks acceptance of Jim is a total defiance of society. Ironically, Huck believes he is committing a sin by going against society and protecting Jim. He does not realize that his own instincts are more morally correct than those of society. In chapter sixteen, we see, perhaps, the most inhumane action of society. Huck meets some men looking for runaway slaves, and so he fabricates a story about his father on the raft with smallpox. 6. Huck constantly rebelling against â€Å"civilization†in the story. This is a book of social criticism. Twain has his ways of criticizing people of their actions and the things they do. Twain does a good job expressing the characters social behaviors. Instead of upfront making fun of Hulks actions he hints towards them or tries to glorify them when he does something that is socially wrong or unintelligent. Huck stages his death. This is not a real bright thing to do even though Hucks father is real mean and is a threat to his life and Hucks life. Huck wants to get away from him so bad that the first thing that comes into his mind is to stage his death so Pap will think hes dead and wont be looking for him ever again. Twain feels that by making Huck do this Twain is poking fun at Hucks intelligence. Not his nature intelligence but his book intelligence. In other words Twain is making fun of Huck. #8 – In what way is Huck a slave? Throughout the incident on pages 66-69 in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck fights with two distinct voices. One is siding with society, saying Huck should turn Jim in, and the other is seeing the wrong in turning his friend in, not viewing Jim as a slave. Twain wants the reader to see the moral dilemmas Huck is going through, and what slavery ideology can do to an innocent like Huck. Huck does not consciously think about Jims impending freedom until Jim himself starts to get excited about the idea. The reader sees Hucks first objection to Jim gaining his freedom on page 66, when Huck says, Well, I can tell you it made me all over trembly and feverish, too, to hear him, because I begun to get it through my head that he was most free-and who was to blame for it? Why, me. I could get that out of my conscience, no how nor no way. Huck is hearing the voice of society at this point, not his own. He does not see a moral dilemma with Jim being free; he is opposed to the fact that he is the one helping him. This shows Huck misunderstanding of slavery. Huck does not treat Jim like a slave when they travel together, this shows the reader that Huck views Jim as an equal in most ways. Huck sees having a slave only as owning the person, not actually being a slave to someone. Therefore, when he helps Jim runaway it would be like stealing. This conscience is telling him that Miss Watson, Jims master, never did anything wrong to him and that he shouldnt be doing a wrong to her by helping Jim escape. This is a totally different view of Miss Watson from Hucks perspective. Huck always disliked Miss Watson, but now that this society voice plays a part in Hucks judgment his views are changed. This society views allows Huck to see Jim, a friend, only as a slave and Miss Watson, almost a foe in his young views, as a dear friend. Twain is showing the reader the gross injustices of slavery in this little incident, as well as his moral opposition to slavery. #2 – Describe Pap. Use his own words (textual examples) to support your description. My heart wuz mos broke bekase you wuz los,(Pg. 85) was what Jim told Huckleberry when he found him again after they had been separated. This is a perfect example of how much Jim sincerely cares about Huck. Huck definitely has very close and father-like relationship with the runaway slave, Jim. On the other hand, his real father, Pap, is less father figure to Huck than a runaway African American slave. Pap is very violent and abusive towards Huck. By looking at Hucks relationships with Pap and Jim and how they are different and similar in some ways, Hucks relationship with Pap, and Hucks relationship with Jim the reader can see how they all relate. Although the relationships between Huck and Pap and Huck and Jim may seem extremely different, they are also quite similar in some ways. Both are father figures for Huck in a way. Although Huck is related to Pap through blood, Jim, who is a slave, cares more for Huck and is more nurturing than Pap is. Come in, Huck, but doan look at his face its too gashly. (Pg. 50) Jim said this as he found the body of Hucks father, Pap. This shows how Jim didnt want Huck to be upset by knowing that his father is dead. Also, Huck is in danger staying with both of these people. With staying with Pap, Huck is in danger because of his fathers abusiveness. Jim and Pap are also alike because of the fact that both of these people dont like their place in society. Pap wants to be wealthier and higher up in society, whereas Jim only wants to escape slavery and own himself. Pap is a very violent drunk. He lives on the outskirts of town, and goes into town only to get alcohol and become intoxicated. I borrowed three dollars from Judge Thatcher, and pap took it and got drunk, and went a-blow-ing around and cussing and whooping and carrying on; and he kept it up all over town, with a tin pan, till most midnight; then they jailed him, and next day they in had him before court, and jailed him again for a week. , (Pg. 21) #2 – What commentary is Mark Twain making about his society in this novel? Choosing Right Over Wrong Maturity is knowing when to do the right thing and following up on ones commitment even when he or she is tempted to do wrong. Huck Finn, in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, is faced with such temptations and situations where he is able to make the right choice and mature physically, mentally, and spiritually. He is able to avoid bad decisions, which leads him to become a more mature, established young man. Although Huck Finn finds himself acting immature at times, he still fully demonstrates maturity by the end of the novel. Throughout the novel, Huck is able to recognize what is wrong and decipher what should be right. Huck realizes that the King and Duke are taking advantage of the girls inheritance money. He realizes that what they are doing is incorrect and something should be done. This is first demonstrated when Huck states, It was enough to make a body ashamed of the human race (175). This shows that Huck is developing a conscience and that he is able to recognize that what the Duke and King are doing is morally wrong. He determines that taking and robbing from innocent people is not what humans are supposed to do. This is also evident when Huck states, I say to myself this is a girl that Im letting that old reptile rob her of her money! (188). This thought established by Huck shows that he can distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. Huck also shows maturity by allowing negative situations to pass by and misdirected conversation to stop, by not arguing more excessively than necessary. This is recognized when Huck states, Well, I couldnt see no advantage in going where she was going, so I made up my mind I wouldnt try for it. But I never said so, because it would only make trouble, and wouldnt do no good (11).
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Dream Therapy Essay -- Psychology Essays
Dream Therapy Dreams have been considered and debated since people have existed. Research on dreams began in the 19th and 20th centuries. However, nothing has proven why dreams happen or what they do. Freud suggested that dreams are an expression of subconscious desires, from which all sorts of strange animal impulses come. He believed that he would be able to find out what bothered people by analyzing their dreams. While dreams reveal troubles much older than Freud, he was the first to try and rationalize dream therapy (Dreaming of a better life). According to American Health (April 1997) about three-quarters of people who use dream therapy are women. They speculate this is due to hormonal differences. Other reasons to speculate that women are more inclined to use dream therapy are because they seem more connected to the dreaming world than men, women dream more often than other times during their menstrual cycle (which helps them recall their dreams more clearly at those times) and women tend to dream more during pregnancy (Waking). People who suffer from frequent nightmares also use dream therapy. Dream therapy may help those who suffer from frequent nightmares find underlying signs of other illnesses or perhaps drug reactions (Dream Therapy: Nightmare). Danya C. MacKean, student at Augustana University College, stated in a paper for a psychology paper that dream therapy is used by patients who are treated for post traumatic stress syndrome These patients use dream therapy to make his or herself aware that they are dreaming to lessen the resistance of confrontation with the figures or situation in which they are dreaming (MacKean). Dream therapy can b... ...oing on in my life. I had fun doing this paper and will more than likely start my journal again. SOURCES Colors in Dreams & Their Meanings. From journal: Dreams Obscure. Common Dream Symbols. Infotrac at Concord Library. 7 February 2001. Dreaming of a better life. Pearson, Bryn. 10 August 2001. Dreams are the language of the soul†¦ Whitehorse. Waking Up To Dream Therapy. 12 November 2003. Dream Therapy: Nightmare Reduction Training. 12 November 2003. Dream therapy & alternative psychology. April 1997. MacKean, Danya C. Symbols. Infotrac at Concord Library.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Hobson’s Choice Summary Essay
The class divisions of the 1880s are clear to see in the little scene when Alice, Vickey and Hobson find out Maggie intends to marry Willie. Alice says, ‘what you do touches us’ and this is true, as Maggie’s marriage to a man from a lower social class would be seen by many as a disgrace. Hobson says that Willie’s father was a ‘work-house brat’ and that he would be the laughing stock of Salford if he allowed Maggie to marry one of his workmen. At this stage, Maggie does not seem to be thinking about starting up in business on her own, merely working in the shop as before but being paid for it. Willie seems to be a down-trodden, easily intimidated man. He has no doubt been bullied by Hobson for years. Hobson however misunderstands Willie when he takes his belt to him as this physical insult changes Willie immediately who is outrage and, in his temper, kisses Maggie. Hobson is amazed and doesn’t know how to respond. ACT TWO Scene One Act Two opens a month after Maggie and Willie have left Hobson’s. The business is obviously in trouble and Alice and Vickey are finding it hard to manage things without Maggie. We learn that they have lost a lot of their high-class trade. Alice doesn’t know how to organise the work in the workshop and tells Tubby to carry on making clogs. Hobson is spending more of his time in the Moonraker’s. Alice is finding it difficult to balance the books. This brief scene serves to prepare us for the decline of Henry Hobson and the rise of Willie Mossop. Vickey and Alice wish they were married and their plans will soon be furthered as a result of their father’s excessive drinking. Scene Two Maggie announces that she has heard of the relationship between Vickey and Freddy. She sends Freddy to fetch Albert Prosser. Freddy explains that Hobson has fallen down their cellar trap and is unhurt but sound asleep on some bags. Notice how quickly Maggie thinks. She has just met Freddy outside Hobson’s shop and from what he has told her, immediately works out a plan to get money out of Hobson for the weddings of her sisters. Scene Three We learn in this scene that Willie now has his own shop. Maggie is obviously proud of the progress they have made in such a short time. She is determined that Willie will be treated with respect as part of the family and makes her sisters kiss him as a token of their acceptance of the situation. Maggie is also quick to cut Alice down to size when Alice says, scornfully, ‘Willie Mossop was our boot hand’. She is quick to point out that Willie is master of his own business and her sisters are just shop assistants. Maggie announces that she and Willie will be married at one o’clock at St. Philip’s church. She buys a brass ring to use as a wedding ring. This shows that Maggie has her feet firmly on the ground as she is not prepared to waste money on sentiment when they need all the money they can to get their business off the ground. Willie and Maggie use a hand-cart to take away some of Hobson’s old and unused furniture. Alice and Vickey are appalled that Maggie is willing to live in two cellars using secondhand furniture. Alice and Vickey clearly want to start married life with everything new and this shows the difference between them and Maggie. Vickey’s selfish streak is apparent when she sees the two broken chairs Will is carrying out and immediately resents Maggie having them. Maggie has always been confident and in this scene is even more sure of herself. Her language is the language of command. When Alice tries to tell her that she doesn’t know what she is aiming at, Maggie replies swiftly, ‘The difference between us is that I do. I always did’. There are also signs in this scene that Willie is growing in confidence from the timid, frightened, dirty workman who first appeared.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Service Learning Reflection
I chose to go to my home town to work with Kid's Klub for my service learning project. Kid's Klub is a ministry of Wesley United Methodist Church offering quality before and after school care and summer camp programs for children ages five to fourteen. The reason I chose to go to my home town for this project is because I regularly participate in this program when I am home for breaks. While I am there I assist the children in any area in which they may need extra help, as well as helping with preparations that need to be made for activities and field trips. This project relates to the passage of Matthew 25:31-40. This passage talks about children in reference to helping each other out when one is in need and doing the right thing. Another passage that I would like to mention is Proverbs 22:6. This states that a child should be raised in the way he should go, and even when he is old he will not depart from it. Kid's Klub is a program that offers care to children before and after school. Being that it acts similarly to a daycare it gives children the opportunity to work on homework or projects they might need to finish, or just to have time to interact with other children and enjoy games and activities. In addition, they are taught scripture in fun ways that they will enjoy. Being able to do such activities in this environment gives the children numerous opportunities to help one another. It is also great that the children are able to associate with different age groups; they are always able to teach each other new things and be able to ask advice from someone that they might feel more comfortable talking to since they are closer to their own age. While I was there, I acted as a teacher, or mentor, as well as a friend. It was my job to assist them with their homework, projects and to clarify what they were going over in bible classes. I also helped prepare dinner for them and played games with them until their parents were able to pick them up. I was also there to mediate and help the kids make the right decision when there were conflicts or arguments. By doing so, they are learning how they should deal with situations and what is the right or wrong way to handle them. It is really amazing to see this first hand when I see the kids oluntarily helping one another with assignments and resolving issues on their own in ways that benefit everyone involved positively. I chose to mention Proverbs 22:6 because it acts as a precursor to the main passage of relation to this service. This passage states that a child should be raised in the way that he should go, and even when he is old he will not depart from it. I think it is important to include when dealing with children because it is a top priority to teach them. Children must be taught right and wrong in the first place before they will be able to employ those tactics in their lives. It is important that they know what it means to help one another and how much it could mean for one in need as well as the one providing the service. This is why it is important that children receive help when they are in need. The probability that one might help another is much greater when they have been shown the same sort of assistance when they were in need. Once they are shown this, it will stick with them through their lives and they will always know what is right and wrong no matter what. It is not as simple to teach what is right and wrong in this day and age, which is another reason why it is so important. Because of today's society, it has become a standard to disregard morals that we should learn as children and keep with us through our lives. â€Å"In today’s tumultuous society, morality often gets brushed aside as just another part of the fairy tale, and those learning moments of our youth become just another ‘happily ever after' tale that seems unbelievable by today’s standards†(Lebeau). I think it is equally important to teach values so that children are sure to be able to employ them in their lives by helping others. The main passage that I chose is Matthew 25:31-41. This passage talks about treating one another right. Ultimately how we treat one another will determine whether we are saved. It's purpose is to decide whether or not one will be permitted to the eternal kingdom or will be consigned to eternal punishment (NIV, 25:41). The King will separate the children according to whether or not they have helped others when they were in need. This, in turn, makes the obvious point that we need to be taught and to teach others hat is right or wrong and that we need to help each other, regardless of who we are; we do not discriminate. This is shown in one of the verses as follows: â€Å"The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me'†(25:40). When we do good to others, we are doing good to god. Even though we do not have to opportunity to show this directly, it is seen and is important. Both of these passages are of equal importance when addressing what is right and helping others. Children are the future of humanity, therefore it is essential that this is stressed during the early years of their lives. These situations are presented everyday in life, young and old, and it remains important through all of our years. That is why I enjoyed working with the kids and the fact that I was an influence on them. There is nothing I love more than helping children understand why we are to do what is expected. This was certainly a beneficial experience for me as well as the children and we can all take valuable information and learn from our time together.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Iq Testing
IQ Testing The task of trying to calculate a person’s intelligence has been a goal of psychologists since before the beginning of this century. The Binet-Simon scales were first proposed in 1905 in Paris, France and various sorts of tests have been evolving ever since. One of the important concerns that always arise regarding these tools is what are the tests really measuring? Are they measuring a person’s intelligence? Their ability to perform well on standardized tests? Or just some arbitrary quantity of the person’s IQ? In this paper I will try and answer some of these concerns. When probing the situations around which IQ tests are given and the content of the tests themselves, it becomes apparent that however useful the tests may be for standardizing a group’s intellectual ability, they are not always the best indicator of intelligence. To issue a truly standardized test, the testing environment should be the same for everyone involved. If anything has been learned from the psychology of perception, it is clear that a person’s environment has a great deal to do with their cognitive abilities. Is the light flickering? Is the temperature too hot or too cold? Is the chair uncomfortable? Or even worse, are the individuals ill that day? To test a person’s mind, it is essential to employ their body in the procedure. If everyone is placed in different conditions during the testing, how is the test expected to get standardized results. Therefore it’s because of this assumption that everyone will perform equally independent of his or her environment. Intelligence test scores are skewed and cannot be viewed as standardized, and definitely not as an example of a person’s intelligence. It is obvious that a person’s intelligence stems from a variety of traits. A few that are often tested are reading comprehension, vocabulary, and spatial relations. But this is not all that goes into it. What abo... Free Essays on Iq Testing Free Essays on Iq Testing IQ Testing The task of trying to calculate a person’s intelligence has been a goal of psychologists since before the beginning of this century. The Binet-Simon scales were first proposed in 1905 in Paris, France and various sorts of tests have been evolving ever since. One of the important concerns that always arise regarding these tools is what are the tests really measuring? Are they measuring a person’s intelligence? Their ability to perform well on standardized tests? Or just some arbitrary quantity of the person’s IQ? In this paper I will try and answer some of these concerns. When probing the situations around which IQ tests are given and the content of the tests themselves, it becomes apparent that however useful the tests may be for standardizing a group’s intellectual ability, they are not always the best indicator of intelligence. To issue a truly standardized test, the testing environment should be the same for everyone involved. If anything has been learned from the psychology of perception, it is clear that a person’s environment has a great deal to do with their cognitive abilities. Is the light flickering? Is the temperature too hot or too cold? Is the chair uncomfortable? Or even worse, are the individuals ill that day? To test a person’s mind, it is essential to employ their body in the procedure. If everyone is placed in different conditions during the testing, how is the test expected to get standardized results. Therefore it’s because of this assumption that everyone will perform equally independent of his or her environment. Intelligence test scores are skewed and cannot be viewed as standardized, and definitely not as an example of a person’s intelligence. It is obvious that a person’s intelligence stems from a variety of traits. A few that are often tested are reading comprehension, vocabulary, and spatial relations. But this is not all that goes into it. What abo...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Part A - Excel Spreadsheet Practical Test Essays - Spreadsheet
Part A - Excel Spreadsheet Practical Test Essays - Spreadsheet Part A - Excel Spreadsheet Practical Test The World Famous Web Shopping Experience You are lucky enough to win $2,000,000 dollars in a lottery that allows you to go on a web shopping spree. You can search the Internet for all the things you would love to buy but couldn't because your allowance just wasn't big enough. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Open a new Microsoft Excel document and name it as - Excel Shopping Spree. Email this work to me. 2. In cell A1 write the title of the worksheet: SHOPPING SPREE; bold, 12 point. 3. Create the following headings beginning in column A at cell A3. Format them to bold. Adjust column widths to display headings in full. |ITEM PURCHASED|PRICE | |/ 5 C |pie graph is well-formatted | | |includes a title | | |corresponding labels on each pie slice | | |percentage amounts on each slice | |/ 5 C |paragraph is well-written | | |proper spelling and grammar | | |paragraph sufficiently answers WHY particular items | | |were chosen | |/ 5 TI |spreadsheet is easy to read/scan | | |use of colour, fill, borders, etc. compliments the | | |overall document | Total: ______________ /25 Part B: Creating Stationary for your Business TASK ONE - Flyer Create a flyer advertising the opening of your business. It should tell the world about your business and the date you will open. It should be attractive, in full colour, and fit onto one page. Use Publisher. Rubric - Creating Stationary Assignment | |Needs more |Getting there |Good |Excellent! | | |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 | |Task 1 | | | | | |Required Content|the publications |the |the |Level 3 AND | | |contain few of |publications |publications |publications | |Knowledge |the required |contain some of|contain most |are detailed | | |elements; or two |the required |of the |and creatively| | |publications are |elements; or |required |formatted | | |missing |one publication|elements; all | | | | |is missing |publications | | | | | |are complete | | |Task 1 | | | | | |Software Usage |several features |many features |the required |Level 3 AND | |Application |of the software |of the software|features of |advanced | | |have been |have been |the software |features of | | |correctly used in|correctly used |have been |the software | | |creating the |in creating the|correctly used|were | | |publications |publications |in creating |successfully | | | | |the |applied | | | | |publications | | |Task 1 | | | | | |Format |the correct |the correct |the correct |Level 3 AND an| |Graphics |format (e.g. |format (e.g. |format (e.g. |attempt is | |Communication |business letter, |business |business |made to engage| | |business card, |letter, |letter, |the reader by | | |etc.) is |business card, |business card,|creatively | | |sometimes used |etc.) is used |etc.) is used |extending the | | | |in most |in all |format with | | | |documents |documents |additional | | | | | |graphics and | | | |some attention |attention has |other details | | | |has been given |been given to | | | | |to make the |make the | | | | |document neat |document neat | | | | |and attractive |and attractive| | | | | | | | |Task 1 | | | | | |Written |the errors in |there are |there are few |Level 3 AND | |Communication |language |several errors |errors in |there is | |Communication |interferes with |in written |written |evidence of | | |communication |communication |communication |proof-reading | | | | | |and | | | | | |spell-checking| | | | | |to ensure a | | | | | |professional | | | | | |product | Comments:
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Definitions and examples of double plurals in English
Definitions and examples of double plurals in English A double plural is the plural form of a noun with an additional plural ending (usually -s) attached -  for example, candelabras (singular, candelabrum; plural, candelabra) or sixpences (singular, penny; plural, pence). In addition, the term double plural is occasionally used to refer to a noun with two plurals that differ in meaning, such as brothers and brethren (plurals of brother). Examples and Observations: In the light of the debate between environmental advocates and oil industries, the state officials discovered that the flooding had also released other bacterias that pose a serious health threat.(Colorado Flooding Exposes Huge Environmental Damage. Digital Journal, September 28, 2013)Bacteria is the Latin plural form [of bacterium]. In formal and scientific writing, it is always treated as plural and used with a plural verb: These bacteria are clearly visible when stained.In everyday English, bacteria is also used as a singular noun meaning a strain of bacteria: They said it was a bacteria, not a virus. This singular use has generated a double plural: bacterias. Bacterias, meaning strains of bacteria, is fairly common in journalism, but not suited for technical or formal writing.(Margery Fee and Janice McAlpine, Guide to Canadian English Usage, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, 2007)Paparazzi(s)Back through the system with the riffraff again Fiends on the floor scratching again Papar azzis with their cameras snapping them...(Jay-Z, 99 Problems. The Black Album, 2004)paparazzi (photographers who follow celebrities, often aggressively, in hopes of snapping candid photos) is a plural; paparazzo is the singular. Originally Italian -  invented for Frederico Fellinis film La Dolce Vita (1960) -  the term first surfaced in English in the mid-1960s. Unfortunately, because the singular form is so rare, some writers have begun using the misbegotten double plural *paparazzis...(Bryan Garner, Garners Modern American Usage. Oxford University Press, 2009) From Old English to Modern English Modern English breeches is a double plural (OE nominative singular broc trouser, nominative plural brec), as is ... kine (OE nominative singular cu cow, nominative plural cy with the addition of the plural -n from words like oxen). (John Algeo, The Origins and Development of the English Language, 6th ed. Wadsworth, 2010)OE cildru children belonged to a very small minor class of neuter nouns having a plural in -ru; the /r/ has survived in PDE [present-day English], but an additional weak -n plural has been added, giving PDE children a double plural. (Celia M. Millward and Mary Hayes, A Biography of the English Language, 3rd ed. Wadsworth, 2012) Kate Burridge on Double Plurals Occasionally, people using incident in the plural give it a double plural -  incidentses. Incidents doesnt sound plural enough -  just as quince (in 1300s one coyn and many coyns) didnt for early English speakers (Quinces is historically a double plural). (Kate Burridge, Gift of the Gob: Morsels of English Language History. HarperCollins Australia, 2011)They stopped and formed a semicircle around the microphone. Everywhere there is a crisis, they sang together. Every time they throw the dices.(Richard Lockridge, Murder Roundabout, 1966)This same process is currently affecting the word dice. Dice was traditionally the plural of die small cube with six faces, but is now being reinterpreted as singular. In this case weve also got a split happening. In specialist contexts die is still being used as a singular noun for metal stamp for coining. The dice used in gaming has a new reformulated plural, technically a double plural, dices (though some speakers still use dice as plural) ... When speakers dont feel words to be plural enough, they add another plural marker for good measure.(Kate Burridge, Blooming English: Observations on the Roots, Cultivation and Hybrids of the English Language. Cambridge University Press, 2004) Double Plurals in Irish English Both [Terence Patrick] Dolan [in A Dictionary of Hiberno-English, 2006] and [Jiro] Taniguchi [in A Grammatical Analysis of Artistic Representation of Irish English, 1972] ... draw attention to double plural forms (or what Taniguchi calls vulgar forms) which also occasionally appear in Irish English. These involve the addition of /É™z/ to existing plurals which end in -s. Dolan offers the examples of bellowses for bellows and galluses for gallus, an obsolete form of the word gallows meaning braces. Taniguchi, on the other hand, cites newses as a plural for news (1972: 10). While I have not encountered the latter form, I have frequently heard other forms, such as pantses and knickerses. What is more, the film corpus displays the forms chipses and barrackses.(Shane Walshe, Irish English as Represented in Film. Diss., Peter Lang GmbH, 2009)My mother used always to laugh because when they met Mrs. Hogan used to say any newses and look up at her, with that wild stare, opening her mou th to show the big gaps between her front teeth, but the newses had at last come to her own door, and though she must have minded dreadfully she seemed vexed more than ashamed, as if it was inconvenience rather than disgrace that had hit her.(Edna OBrien, A Scandalous Woman. Stories by Contemporary Irish Women, ed. by Daniel J. Casey and Linda M. Casey. Syracuse University Press, 1990) Double Plurals in Russian Anglicisms In general, words tend to be borrowed as unanalysed wholes, their internal structure being opaque to the borrower. Russian speakers are therefore often not aware of the meaning of the English plural morpheme -s; this can lead to double plural marking through the addition of a Russian inflection to an English plural; as in pampersy, dzhinsy, chipsy. (Tamara Maximova, Russian. English in Europe, ed. by Manfred Gà ¶rlach. Oxford University Press, 2002)
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Compare and contrast the idea of Descartes and Kant on epistemology Essay
Compare and contrast the idea of Descartes and Kant on epistemology - Essay Example Descrates’ definition of knowledge is, however, specific to scientific knowledge and certainty is defined, in the theorist’s perspective, as absence of doubt. With cognition as the fundamental to scientific knowledge, two levels of certainty on cognition are identified to define knowledge. With absolute level of certainty, no single doubt exists that an alternative idea or subject can be found while moral level of certainty involves conviction on a subject even with the knowledge that the subject could be false. Moral certainty however identifies possible doubt and according to Descrates, does not therefore define knowledge.1 Kant’s idea on epistemology is based on three factors that further identify opinion and faith. People’s affirmative decisions exist in three levels that distinguish between knowledge, faith, and opinion. There is a subjective basis to affirmation and an objective cause. Affirmation that is devoid of conviction, when conviction is not sufficient, is based on opinion. however, subjective factors to affirmation may be sufficient but a person lacks objective basis. Under the circumstance, affirmation is based on faith and not on opinion. Sufficiency of both subjective and objective factors into affirmation defines existence of knowledge. Opinion and faith are therefore, and according to Kant, elements of knowledge in which sufficient objectivity defines opinion while sufficient subjectivity defines faith and existence of both opinion and faith defines knowledge.2 Theories of Kant and Descrates identify both similarities and differences. The two ideas converge to existence of knowledge beyond definitions because experiences and observations inform certainty. In addition, Kant discusses sufficiency of subjectivity and objectivity as essentials of knowledge and such sufficiency are consistent with Descrates’ ideas of levels of
Flextime Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Flextime - Research Paper Example The firm investment criteria is guided by the existence of strong management, reasonable growth prospects, diversified customer base, sustainable competitive advantage, leading market share and attractive cash flow characteristics. The current investments include Ellery homestyles, Northstar seafood, Getichealth, Advanced discovery, Pelican water systems, Wise Company, Onepath systems and Northfield industries. Trivest is thinking about using flextime to improve the employee morale, attain high job satisfaction and improve the overall productivity of the company. The report will outline the company background and provide detailed analysis of the advantages of flextime for the employees and the company. The company will also analyze the disadvantages of flextime for the employees and the company and provide recommendations that should be implemented by the company. Flexible working hours provide the employees an opportunity to attend to their family needs, personal obligations and life responsibilities more conveniently without jeopardizing their work demands (Financial Post, para 2). Flexible working schedules save employee commuting time and fuel costs since some commuting is outside the ‘rush hour’. This will allow employees to get at work in time and avoid the fuel costs that are incurred in traffic jams during the rush hours (Hirsh and Sun, para 3). The flexible working essential eliminate employee burnout and overload. Employees experience mental and psychical burnout while working on an ongoing schedule of eight hours per day and thus implementation of flexible work hours provides them time to relax and avoid burnout (Financial Post, para 3). Flexible working will allow employees to take personal control over their work schedules and working environment. Implementation of flexible work hours is a sign of compassion and
Friday, October 18, 2019
Fly Emirates And Cathay Pacific Airways Comparison Essay
Fly Emirates And Cathay Pacific Airways Comparison - Essay Example The airline operates both passenger and cargo services to more than 160 destinations in about 42 countries in the world. The airlines’ rates as the third biggest airline in terms market capitalization. It is also one of the world’s biggest cargo airlines. The airline was also awarded as the Skytrax airline of the year in 2014. The Fly Emirates is one of the few airlines who was least affected by airline and economic downturn. Much of this is attributed to their targeted segment of the market. The airline has three main categories of customers. These categories are transit passengers, tourists, and business expatriates. As a result of the emergence of Dubai as a business hub and a tourist destination has really worked in the favor of Fly Emirates. As a result of Dubai’s economic advancements, there has been an increase in the demand for workforce. At the moment the workforce in Dubai consists of individuals from various parts of the world. Due to the diversity of the population, Fly Emirates have had mutual agreements with almost all the national authorities allowing them to operate in an â€Å"open sky†kind of operation which implies that they welcome competition. One of the ways through which the Fly Emirates have improved their marketing penetration is by improving their in-flight service. The most outstanding thing about Fly Emirates marketing strategy is their pricing. As compared to most airlines in Europe, the cost of services offered by the Fly Emirates can be said to be relatively low they have also made sure that their ticketing procedures are convenient. Most of the airlines in Europe have costs that range between 25%-30% higher than what the Fly Emirates charge for their services (Gross &SchröDer 2007, p. 218).
Biomechanical Laboratory Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Biomechanical Laboratory - Article Example Bioabsorbable interference screws are popular in endoscopic reconstructions of the ACL as there is no need for a second operation for removal and no complicating factor in case of a revision surgery. Pullout studies of metal and bioabsorbable interference screws have yielded similar results. However, a randomized controlled clinical trial comparing patients having metal interference screws with those having bioabsorbable poly-l-lactic acid screws showed subjective knee function to be better in the patients in the metal screw group although no difference in stability was noted between the two groups (Drogset et al., 2005) 3. Bioabsorbable interference screw breakage can be a problem in ACL reconstructive surgery which necessitates burying the screw on graft fixation (MacDonald and Arneja, 2003 ) 4. Partial or non-uniform degradation of bioabsorbable screws could lead to breakage with daily activities (Hall et al., 2009) 5. An in vitro study by Schwach and Vert (1999)6 showed a loss of 50% of compression strength in poly-L-lactic acid screws due to hydrolytic degradation between 2 and 5 months. While the overall complication rate associated with the use of this implant is low, complications involving osteolysis and aseptic effusion of the knee joint have been reported (Baums et al., 2006)7. Other complications that have been reported with bioabsorbable interference screws include cyst formation, tunnel widening, late screw breakage, and intra-articular migration (Appelt et al., 2007; Lembeck et al., 2005) 8, 9 According to Weiler et al. (1998)1, graft fixation close to the ACL insertion site increases anterior knee stability. The authors could do this successfully using a round threaded biodegradable interference screw. Interference screw fixation of bone-patellar tendon-bone grafts is a well-established process in ACL fixation. A study was conducted by Zheng.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Compare and Contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 9
Compare and Contrast - Essay Example Sherlock Holmes, from the television serial â€Å"The Hound of The Baskervilles†and the movie â€Å"Sherlock Holmes,†played by Jeremy Brett and Robert Downey respectively, are compared, then it is found that they display similar traits and behavior when it comes to their mental patterns. For example, they both like the process of deduction and find it challenging. They are proud of their analytical ability to deduct the facts about people from their physical appearance or accessories. For example, Brett is shown making deduction about a man from the walking stick that he forgets in his apartment. When he sees the man getting down from the carriage, he remarks â€Å"I was right,†in a very satisfactory and happy tone. In the movie, Downey is shown making deduction about Watson’s girl friend from her appearance and her accessories. He does not refuse to state the facts even when he realizes that it might make Watson and his girl friend uncomfortable. This shows that both the characters find great mental satisfaction in making deductions about people, and do not hesitate to display their skill even if it creates discomfort for others. Secondly, both the characters are sarcastic in their expressions. For example, Brett asks Watson to make deduction from the walking stick. When Watson tells him what he thinks, Brett initially appreciates him but when Watson expresses happiness over his achievement, Brett says â€Å"but I am afraid that most of your conclusions were erroneous.†Similarly, even Downey is shown being sarcastic in his remarks. For example, in the beginning of the movie, when the inspector reaches the crime scene after the girl is saved by Holmes and Watson from being murdered by Lord Blackwood, Holmes says to the inspector â€Å"impeccable timing Lestrade,†in a sarcastic tone. Later, when inspector says â€Å"and you were supposed to wait for my orders,†Downey replies â€Å"if I had, you would be cleaning up a corpse and chasing a rumor.†This shows that
Evidence Based Practice amongst Physiotherapists. Attitudes, Essay
Evidence Based Practice amongst Physiotherapists. Attitudes, Knowledge, and Barriers - Essay Example Moreover, they consider reading of research literature as an important activity in their profession. But it is pointed out that there are some barriers which keep them away from reading research journals. In the concluding part, Kamwendo points out: â€Å"A cultural change within the profession, allowing more time for reading and discussing research reports should be encouraged.†(Kamwendo K, 2002) effective changes can be implemented in physiotherapy by allowing more time for reading and discussing research reports. Most of the Swedish physiotherapists like to read journals and other works in their own language. This prevents them to exploit the positive sides of EBP, because most of the journals published on EBP are in English. To conclude, it is important that most of the Swedish physiotherapists value EBP and research in physiotherapy. The research conducted by Diane U Jette, Kimberly Bacon, Cheryl Batty, Melissa Carlson, Amanda Ferland, Richard D Hemingway, Jessica C Hill, Laura Ogilvie and Danielle Volk, namely ‘Evidence-Based Practice: Beliefs, Attitudes, Knowledge, and Behaviors of Physical Therapists’, states that the physical therapist members of American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) strongly supports the Evidence Based Practice (EBP) in their field. The hypothesis points out the close relation between quality and individual practice characteristics of physiotherapists. The respondents supported the importance of evidence in practice because they like to rely upon evidence than theory. The theories are applicable for the general field of medical care. But when it is applied to physiotherapy, practitioner had to consider so many individual factors related to the patient. Rich literature in EBP helps physiotherapists to provide better patient care. It is a fact that younger and recently lic ensed practitioners rely on research works and EBP to improve their skills. Furthermore, most of the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Compare and Contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 9
Compare and Contrast - Essay Example Sherlock Holmes, from the television serial â€Å"The Hound of The Baskervilles†and the movie â€Å"Sherlock Holmes,†played by Jeremy Brett and Robert Downey respectively, are compared, then it is found that they display similar traits and behavior when it comes to their mental patterns. For example, they both like the process of deduction and find it challenging. They are proud of their analytical ability to deduct the facts about people from their physical appearance or accessories. For example, Brett is shown making deduction about a man from the walking stick that he forgets in his apartment. When he sees the man getting down from the carriage, he remarks â€Å"I was right,†in a very satisfactory and happy tone. In the movie, Downey is shown making deduction about Watson’s girl friend from her appearance and her accessories. He does not refuse to state the facts even when he realizes that it might make Watson and his girl friend uncomfortable. This shows that both the characters find great mental satisfaction in making deductions about people, and do not hesitate to display their skill even if it creates discomfort for others. Secondly, both the characters are sarcastic in their expressions. For example, Brett asks Watson to make deduction from the walking stick. When Watson tells him what he thinks, Brett initially appreciates him but when Watson expresses happiness over his achievement, Brett says â€Å"but I am afraid that most of your conclusions were erroneous.†Similarly, even Downey is shown being sarcastic in his remarks. For example, in the beginning of the movie, when the inspector reaches the crime scene after the girl is saved by Holmes and Watson from being murdered by Lord Blackwood, Holmes says to the inspector â€Å"impeccable timing Lestrade,†in a sarcastic tone. Later, when inspector says â€Å"and you were supposed to wait for my orders,†Downey replies â€Å"if I had, you would be cleaning up a corpse and chasing a rumor.†This shows that
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Case study based upon on a hypothetical legal situation
Based upon on a hypothetical legal situation - Case Study Example ed improper tactics to pick an all-white jury for a black defendant’s murder trial, [and subsequently] overturned the conviction of a man who has been on death row for 12 years.†1 Application/Analysis: Prosecutors should be allowed to consider race as a factor in the jury selection, as well as gender and age, which could also be problematic for the defense. Since Mr. Woodson was Black, he definitely should have been able to at least have one or two jurors be Black as well so the jury would constitute a reflection of more of a jury of his peers. Alan M. Dershowitzâ€â€a lawyer for O.J. Simpsonâ€â€wrote eloquently in his book, â€Å"We were pleased that we had a largely [B]lack jury, which might be more open to arguments about police perjury, evidence tampering, and so onâ€â€arguments we believed were correct. If that is playing the race card, then the race card should be playedâ€â€because†¦police [often make
Monday, October 14, 2019
Arabic Mythology Essay Example for Free
Arabic Mythology Essay Like any other culture, ancient Arabs believed in demons, devils and the like, or at least they had stories about these things whether or not they believed those stories were true. Like everybody else they had their own mythology. Some of these stories are not really famous even for native speakers, like the story of how the rooster lost its ability to fly, or the legend which states that a very long time ago everything was able to talk; And some other stories are well-known (at least for those who DO read) like the ogres and poetry Genies. Arabs have a long-forgotten term which says â€Å"when everythingQ was talking†to describe something that happened a long time ago, especially in the pre-historic era. The root of this term is that ancient Arabs believed that everything -everything including animals and rocks- had the ability to talk at one point in history. And a lot of Arabian legends took place at that part of history. One example of this is the story of how did the rooster lost its ability to fly. The story goes like that: the rooster and the crow were drinking together until they finished all the drinks they had. So the crow told the rooster that he would bring more drinks and food if he gave him his wings and the rooster agreed. Needless to say, the crow never returned them and that is why the rooster crows every morning. He is calling the crow at the same time he took his wings. Most of the paranormal Arabian stories take place in the desert with a single hero. There are just so many Arabian stories about encounters with paranormal creatures in the desert. Some of them are friendly like poetry demons or genies and some are not like ogres. Also there are some stories about heroes like â€Å"Ta-ab-ba-ta_Sha-run†, a real man who became a legend because of all the stories that were made up about him. He was described as â€Å"The fastest man when he run, and the strongest when he fights. His spear when thrown is like winter’s wind†¦etc†and he had so many encounters with demons and ogres in the desert. One of these encounters gave him his name when he fought an ogre bare-handed and killed it in â€Å"Raha-Bitan†. Then he carried it to his people under his armpit so they gave him his name which means â€Å"the one who carry evil ender his armpit. †Unfortunately he was a thief in a lot of stories. When talking about pre-Islamic Arabs you can consider the demons and the Genies to be the same. Genies were famous as excellent poets, and Arabs believed that every human poet had a Genie friend who inspires him with verses, even if he didn’t know about it. The genie is called â€Å"Ra-Ei, this word is driven from the verb ‘to see’ and ‘realizing what is behind the seen’. And from a noun mean seeing the future – or predicting it – ether in real life or a dream that turns true. When you talk about a poet and his genie you say that the poet is the Genie’s â€Å"Elf†and the genie is the poet’s â€Å"Ra-Ei†. Elf is a word driven from â€Å"Elfah†which means a close relationship or feeling comfortable with a person or a thing that you get used to. Also some say that the Genie is born with you and you are stuck together forever, while others said that you do not born with a Genie but you can have one later. People said that the Genies come from a valley named â€Å"Abqar/Abkar†and their master is setting under â€Å"the poetry tree†, the root for all rhythms and verses in the world. It is said that you will become a poet if you sleep in that valley for one night and you will meet your genie. All poetry Genies belong there even if they didn’t actually live there. A genie doesn’t necessarily need to be physically near his human friend to inspire him with verses so some Genies decide to stay there. Some famous poets claimed that they know their Genie and gave him a name, and some of them said that they met their Genie personally. Like ‘Abu-Nawas’ and ‘Al-Faraz-daq’ who both claimed that the head Genie is their â€Å"Ra-Ei†. Nowadays, we know that almost all mythologies are wrong, but that is not a reason to forget them because the value of mythology does not lay in its veracity but in its role as a part of history and culture.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
William Shakespeare An Analysis
William Shakespeare An Analysis Why was William Shakespeare regarded as the best English play writer? In his book Will in the World, Stephen Greenblatt describes Shakespeare as â€Å"the greatest playwright not of his age alone but of all time†. This echoes the fact that ‘the Bard’ is often considered to be one of England’s greatest authors. Even today his work is read by thousands of schoolchildren, his plays are performed in many theatres (including the replica Globe in London which is named after him), his plays have been repeatedly filmed and turned into parts of popular culture, and his language is often quoted in various forms. In addition, his home town of Stratford has become one of England’s premier tourist attractions. Considering Shakespeare is such a famous figure, it is remarkable how little we actually know about his life. In fact, some critics have suggested that this is one reason for his continuing success or for the ‘cult’ of ‘The Bard’: if the man himself is a myth then he can be permanently recreated for many generations. However there are some details that we can identify with relative confidence. Shakespeare was born in 1564, probably on April 23rd as he was baptised on the 26th. He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in the county of Warwickshire where his father was a glover and alderman. He  received a good education at the local grammar school, the Kings New School, where boys were taught Latin grammar and classical texts (he later used Latin sources for the plots of some of his plays, for example Titus Andronicus refers to Ovid’s tales Metamorphoses). By the time Shakespeare was 18 he was married to a relative and local woman named Anne Hathaway, with whom he eventually had three children, called Susanna, Hamnet and Judith. Between 1585 and 1592 there are few records to indicate where Shakespeare was living and under what occupation, though a number of different stories suggest he was already in London, or had fled accused of poaching, or was in fact himself a teacher: â€Å"He had been in his younger years a schoolmaster in the country†wrote John Aubrey. But by 1592 records suggest that he was established in London as a playwright, where he continued to write and perform plays with considerable success until shortly before his death in 1616 (coincidentally, on April 23rd, his birthday). When Shakespeare’s plays were originally published all together in the First Folio of 1623, they were collected for the first time, and were divided into comedies, tragedies and histories. While these generic categories are not always upheld today, and there are some plays such as Measure for Measure which do not easily fit into one group or another, there are consistencies between some of the plays which allow them to be grouped in this manner.  We can identify certain patterns based upon genre. For example, in Othello, Othello’s murder of Desdemona followed by suicide restores the social status quo of a powerful state under white leadership. Hamlet’s death in Hamlet disrupts the royal line but succeeds in first purging the state of the corruption, the â€Å"something rotten†, that affects the country. However both of these plays, like Macbeth, are mainly concerned not with social relations but with following the decline of a powerful character. It is true that there is often a comic subplot in the plays to provide a light relief, but the main plot follows a tragic flaw in character to a tragic conclusion usually of multiple deaths. By contrast, where tragedy has multiple deaths, the comedy plays usually offer multiple marriages – this is one of their most characteristic features. Confusion and misinterpretations are resolved not in duels or deaths but in reconciliation and the restoration of characters to their proper social roles. At the end of Twelfth Night, Orsino responds to the revelation of Sebastian and Viola’s identities with the following lines: â€Å"If this be so, as yet the glass seems true, I shall have share in this most happy wrack†(V.i) Although â€Å"wrack†suggests the potential for catastrophe, it has found its proper romantic conclusion and the love-plot is untangled. Viola is released from her disguise as the boy Cesaro and restored to her proper female role, and everyone’s identity revealed. Social reconciliation usually takes this form in Shakespeare’s comedies as lovers are united in marriage, usually in groups of two or three pairs whose plots are followed together throughout the play. Multiple narratives are drawn together often in the final scene. The ability to resolve complex plots in such a way is one of the features that make Shakespeare such a great dramatist. Shakespeare’s construction of love, though often seemingly simplistic in its conclusion, is sophisticated in being able to question each character’s ability to make the right decisions for themselves, and the different layers of narrative serve as comments upon the other plots that work alongside them. In the complex reversals of affection in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, one of Shakespeare’s most popular romantic comedies, the proper order of the lovers is disrupted and then restored by Oberon and his servant Puck: â€Å"When they next awake, all this derision, Shall seem a dream and fruitless vision†(III.ii.370-1) A popular theme running throughout the plays is disguise and the complication of identity which in the case of gender roles enables Shakespeare to further entangle the male-female tensions which are at the centre of marriage plots. Famous heroines who dress up as boys include Viola in Twelfth Night and Rosaline in As You Like It, who are able under the cover of their male identities to act out courtship activities, Viola acting on behalf of Orsino in carrying his suit to Olivia and Rosaline teaching Orlando to woo in the guise of Ganymede. In Twelfth Night this then creates comic confusion (and sometimes pain) in a typical love triangle: â€Å"My master loves her dearly, And I (poor monster) fond as much on him, And she (mistaken) seems to dote on me†(II.ii) Viola is a â€Å"monster†in the play because she is not in her proper position as a woman, and cannot express her feelings to the Duke. It is only when she is restored to her female role that the plot can be properly concluded. In speeches such as this one, the audience’s ability to see which way love is really directed in the play create a distance of dramatic irony that reduces the damaging effect of characters who are experiencing pain. Also, the passionate language that Shakespeare is sometimes so flowery that it enables him to generate comedy from expressions of passion: â€Å"O when mine eyes did see Olivia first, / Methought she purged the air of pestilence†(I.i). Unlike in tragedy, when Gertrude â€Å"protests too much†in Hamlet and is then horribly implicated in the crimes which have so upset her son, this kind of exaggeration in comedies creates the effect of laughter, because the audience realise that they have more knowledge than the charact ers in the play. One of the reasons often given for Shakespeare’s enduring popularity is his â€Å"universal†appeal: his stories cross many genres and different places and periods in history and thus they always seem relevant to a particular society at a particular moment in time, or can be adapted to seem relevant (and they have been adapted into many languages around the world). Sometimes this provides a political context for the plays, sometimes it merely serves to add fresh ways of interpreting the language and the scenery, for example in Baz Luhrman’s film William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet the story takes place in a futuristic modern-day setting at ‘Verona Beach’ in America, where the commercial rivalry of the Capulets and Montagues replaces their social positions and where guns and advertising are everywhere, contrasting with the romantic poetry as it is retained from the play. But it remains a tragic and affecting story. Shakespeare himself created an impression of universal drama in the language that he uses in suggesting that what was represented in the theatre could represent the whole world. In As You Like It he wrote the following famous lines, â€Å"All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts†(II.vii) Here he refers to the activities in the theatre, the actors coming on and off stage, to suggest a metaphor for how people live their lives. He suggests that anybody could play a different part, or any part, so we could all recognise ourselves in a Shakespeare play. It also hints towards the way that characters such as Olivia and Rosaline dress up as other than they are, assume different roles or become different ‘players’. It was common in Shakespeare’s time for the actors in each company to play many different roles, sometimes within the same plays and sometimes across several plays that were being performed in the same week. This kind of language is also reflected in plays such as Macbeth, in tragedy rather than in comedy, where in the dying speech of the play’s hero or antihero he says, â€Å"To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day, To the last syllable of recorded time; And all our yesterdays have lighted fools The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Lifes but a walking shadow, a poor player, That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more. It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.†(V.v) Here the metaphor extends to the process of life itself, which is only like a â€Å"poor player†who has only an â€Å"hour†to perform. This is perhaps wishful thinking on the part of Macbeth who would like to imagine that his actions were only â€Å"performed†and that they â€Å"signified nothing†, as he is now consumed by guilt for the murder of Duncan. The metaphors of theatre run right through the plays in a way that both playfully emphasises their artificiality, as stories and characters who are performed many times in many different ways, and a way that makes them feel eternal, that they could be acted a countless number of times and still have something to say to us. Also, it is notable that the theatre in which Shakespeare spent the longest years working was called The Globe, drawing attention again to the round stage as representing the universe. The legacy of Shakespeare’s language can be observed not just in how frequently his plays are quoted but also in everyday language and conversation; even without realising it we have absorbed many of his sayings into modern English which we now take for granted. From Lady Macbeth saying â€Å"what’s done is done†in Macbeth to Juliet parting from Romeo in â€Å"such sweet sorrow,†these phrases have become part of our vocabulary so that often their use is unconscious. Shakespeare also used proverbs which may have been popular at the time and which have been handed down to us through the medium of his plays, including phrases like â€Å"to the manner born†and â€Å"brevity is the soul of wit†, both of which can be found in Hamlet. By the time Shakespeare died in 1616 he had written a remarkable quantity of plays and enjoyed a successful career as both playwright and actor. When his plays were finally published together in 1623 they were preserved for future generations to enjoy and to adapt. Today the popularity of Shakespeare appears to be as high as ever, as people all over the world continue to read the plays and to recognise the universal value of the ‘great Bard’. Bibliography Shakespeare, William, Macbeth, Penguin (1967) Shakespeare, William, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Arden (2005) Shakespeare, William, Twelfth Night, Penguin (1994) Shakespeare, William, As You Like It, Arden (2006) Crystal, David, Think on My Words: Exploring Shakespeare’s Language, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (2008) Greenblatt, Stephen, Will in the World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare, London: Pimlico (1995), Macrone, Michael Lulevitch, Tom, Brush Up Your Shakespeare!: An Infectious Tour Through the Most Famous and Quotable Words and Phrases from the Bard, Collins (2000)
Saturday, October 12, 2019
George’s Life Sacrifice in Gloria Naylor’s Mama Day Essay -- Gloria Na
George’s Life Sacrifice in Gloria Naylor’s Mama Day George and Ophelia, two characters in Gloria Naylor’s Mama Day, have a complex yet intimate relationship. They meet in New York where they both live. Throughout their hardships, Ophelia and George stay together and eventually get married. Ophelia often picks fights with George to test his love for her, and time after time, he proves to her that he does love her. Gloria Naylor uses George as a Christ figure in his relationship with Ophelia to eventually save her life. While visiting her relatives in Willow Springs, Ophelia becomes deathly ill as a result of evil forces on the island. George tries to think of ways to save her, but he cannot get to a real doctor. The real doctors are across the bridge, which has been destroyed by the hurricane. George helps with rebuilding the bridge practically 24 hours a day, but eventually he becomes disgusted with the others who are working on the bridge, believing that they work too slowly. In his frustration, he speaks in his mind retrospectively to Ophelia: â€Å"If there was a boat ...
Friday, October 11, 2019
Gender Roles Essay
â€Å"We’ve begun to raise daughters more like sons†¦but few have the courage to raise our sons more like our daughters,†(Gloria Steinem, American feminist). Gender roles refer to the set of social and behavioral norms that are considered to be socially appropriate for individuals of a specific sex in the context of a specific culture (Wikipedia). Gender roles are expectations of how an individual should act, dress, talk, walk, etc. based on their sex, which is biological. Gender roles shape the pressures and expectations society places on male and female individuals. For instance in the old American culture men had to be the main source of income in the family, while women were expected to stay home take care of the children and do the domestic housework. In the short story â€Å"Girl†Jamacia Kincaid illustrates the feminine roles her mother taught her growing up and the expectations she needs to meet as a women, a wife, and a mother. In contrast with Kin caid, Michael Kimmel’s essay â€Å"Bros before Hos: The Guy Code†explores the code of masculinity that young men are expected to follow. Traditional gender roles influence many individuals in a positive or negative aspect as they grow and either resist or give in to the expectations within society. Growing up as little girl, my mother would always teach me the social expectations of the feminine roles associated with our tradition. I would always be playing with dolls, dressing in skirts, putting bows in my hair, pretending to be a princess and acting like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz always clicking my sparkly red shoes. However, the pressures and expectations of the gender roles associated to your sex are more profound as you grow into an adult. As I grew into a young woman the expectations I had and still to this day have to meet are much more demanding and expected. Kincaid states, â€Å"This is how you set a table for dinner; this is how you set a table for dinner with an important guest; this is how you set a table for lunch; this is how to behave in the presence of men who don’t know you very well†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (385). Kincaid explains some of the feminine demands and expectations her mother would teach her growing up. Similar to Kincaid experience, my mother would also establish the feminine roles and demands that I needed to accept and fulfill from the expectations that have been set forth from generations of women. However, the expectations I needed to meet to fulfill the duties as a wife and mother conflicted with my expectations of not wanting to be a wife or mother at all, but to establish and purse a stable career for myself. The view of femininity in the culture I was raised with compared to old American culture of the 50’s and 60’s. Women were seen as objects, accessories. Femininity was viewed as being fragile and weak, as well as having a â€Å"natural†mother like instinct. Women in my culture are defined as being dependent on a man, stay home do the groceries shopping, clean the kitchen, prepare breakfast, lunch, and dinner, iron their husbands shirt and pants, â€Å"wash every day, even if it’s with their own spit†(Kincaid 385), keep the household in order, and be the perfect wife, mother, and women or at least pretend to be. However, these traditional views of what feminine roles are defined as conflict with the mainstream American culture of today’s feminine expectations. Women in today’s culture are defined as either the main source of income or contribute the equal amount of income with their spouse. Women are seen as independent and many women have established stable careers. In â€Å"Bros before Hos†Kimmel asked a female college student what it means to be a women she stated, â€Å"’Nobody can tell me what it means to be a women anymore’†(462). In modern American society being a woman has no concrete formulated expectation or role that she is expected to fulfill. Although in today’s modern American society views women differently as they once did, my culture still views women in a more traditional aspect. These conflicts or being independent or dependent, pursuing a career or being a domestic house wife and mother affect both expectations I have to meet with my family culture and the culture I was born into. Being one of the youngest girl in my family I would observe my cousins and see them being pressure of the roles and expectations that where concretely defined in my cultures view of femininity. Their decisions of following the domestic housewife role affected me to resist these pressures, while they did not and gave me the courage to fulfill my and modern American society’s expectations of what being a woman is and not just stay at home and spend all my husbands’ money because I have nothing better to do. Gender roles have always been a social issue that shape the way we think of others. These roles perceive women as fragile and weak, while men are seen as aggressive and show little to no emotion. Gender roles can vary from one culture to another and have different expectations associated with masculine and feminine roles individuals have to obtain. Gender expectation such as women have to stay home and do the domestic housework, while men are the source of the primary income can either conflict or reinstate the expectations of you. These roles can affect an individual either in a positive or negative ways, whether or not they want to override the social norm of what society says is acceptable or give into the pressure of the roles society established for each gender. The gender roles one’s culture establishes or society establishes becomes more overwhelming as we grow older, enforcing these expectations further. Also, your culture’s view of masculinity or femininity may conflict with mainstream American culture and a rise conflicts for an individual. It’s up to them whether they want to endure the pressures or resist the pressures of traditional gender roles or modern American gender roles. Word Count: 1,025 Reference Page Kincaid, Jamaica. Girl. Boston, Mass.: Bedford/St. Martin’s, (2013): 384-386. Print Kimmel, Michael. Bros before Hoes: The Guy Code. Boston, Mass.: Bedford/St. Martin’s, (2013): 461-471. Print.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Ap 1988 Euro
1988 MC National AP European History Exam 100 questions in 75 minutes. 1. Salvation by faith alone, the ministry of all believers, and the authority of the Bible are principles basic to (A) the Christian humanism of Erasmus (B) the Church of England (C) Catholicism after the Council of Trent (D) Lutheranism in the early sixteenth century (E) the Society of Jesus (Jesuit order) 2. The Edict of Nantes in 1598 did which of the following? (A) Ensured Anglo-French cooperation throughout the seventeenth century. (B) Created a French church separated from papal authority. (C) Ended the War of the Spanish Succession. D) Proclaimed the toleration of Calvinism. (E) Precipitated the French Wars of Religion. [pic] 3. The sketch above, drawn by Galileo in 1610, was used to argue that the Moon (A) has no phases (B) has an irregular surface (C) is one of the planets (D) does not revolve around the Earth (E) is illuminated by Mars 4. â€Å"You venerate the saints and delight in touching their relic s, but you despise the best one they left behind, the example of a holy life †¦. If the worship of Christ in the person of His saints pleases you so much, see to it that you imitate Christ in the saints†The quotation above expresses the views of which of the following? (A) Henry VIII of England (B) Catherine de Medici (C) Erasmus of Rotterdam (D) Leonardo da Vinci (E) Niccolo Machiavelli 5. John Locke based his Two Treatises on Government primarily on which of the following views of human nature? (A) People are basically rational and learn from practical experience. (B) People are weak and sinful and need the guidance of organized religion. (C) People are fallible and need guidance from the cumulative wisdom of tradition. (D) People are inherently quarrelsome and should never be encouraged to revolt against state authority. E) People are born with all knowledge, and learning is the process of remembering that innate knowledge [pic] 6. The map above of eighteenth-century R ussia suggests which of the following about Russian territory between 1689 and 1796? (A) The Ottoman Empire annexed the Crimea (B) Peter the Great added more territory to Russia than did Catherine the Great (C) Most Russian expansion took place in the east (D) Russia ceded territory to Poland in the late eighteenth century (E) Russia acquired navigable seaports in both the north and the south 7.Which of the following best describes the political and economic environment of much of fifteenth century Italy? (A) A few large states dominated by a wealthy landed nobility (B) A strong unified Italian monarchy that patronized the arts (C) Many independent city-states with prosperous merchant oligarchies (D) Control of most of Italy by the pope, who encouraged mercantile development (E) Support of the arts in Italy by the kings of France and the Holy Roman emperors, who were competing for influence 8. The response of the Roman Catholic church to the Protestant Reformation included all of th e following EXCEPT A) the abolition of the Index of Prohibited Books (B) the establishment of the Society of Jesus (Jesuit order) (C) the convening of the Council of Trent (D) the founding of women’s orders active in education and care of the sick (E) an increase in the number of parish grammar schools [pic] 9. The Pieter Brueghal painting (circa 1569) shown above depicts the massacre of villagers in A) the Netherlands by Spanish troops B) Russia by Ottoman troops C) Spain by English troops D) France by Swedish troops E) Hungary by Austrian 10. The first political use of the terms â€Å"right†and â€Å"left†was to describe the A) division of France into predominantly Protestant and predominantly Roman Catholic areas (B) seating arrangements in the French National Assembly chamber during the French Revolution (C) party alliances in the English House of Commons during the debates prior to the American Revolution (D) two wings of the Versailles palace that housed the Roman Catholic and the Huguenot nobility (B) factions in the English Parliament that supported James II or William of Orange 11. Which of the following statements best describes the writers of the Romantic school? (A)They stressed emotion rather than reason. B)They continued the traditions of the Enlightenment. (C)They were advocates of increased political rights for women. (D)They modeled their work on the classics of Greece and Rome. (E)They based their writing on scientific and mathematical models. 12. During the Crimean War (1854-1856), most deaths among the military occurred as a result of (A) trench warfare and poisonous gas (B) guerrilla warfare (C) naval engagements (D) disease and inadequate medical care (E) heavy artillery bombardment 13. In fifteenth-century Europe. Muslim culture exerted the greatest influence on which of the following societies? A) English (B) French (C) German (D) Italian (E) Spanish 14. In 1500 the two most powerful autocracies in Eastern Europe were (A) Muscovy and the Ottoman Empire (B) the Ottoman and the Byzantine empires (C) the Byzantine Empire and Poland-Lithuania (D) Poland-Lithuania and Hungary (E) Hungary and Kievan Russia 15. The principal reason why Louis XIV (1643-1715) built his palace at Versailles was to (A) tighten his control over the nobility (B) strengthen ties with the Huguenots (C) move the king’s residence nearer to the center of the country (D) provide thousands of jobs E) absorb the excess revenue produced by mercantilist tax policies 16. In the second half of the seventeenth century, which of the following countries dominated European culture, politics, and diplomacy? (A) England (B) The Netherlands (C) Russia (D) France (E) Prussia 17. Which of the following best characterizes the Western European economy, as a whole, in the sixteenth century? (A) Widespread unemployment (B) Declining trade and commerce (C) Technological breakthroughs in production (D) Unrestricted trade among nations (E) S piraling inflation 18.In the first half of the seventeenth century, the Austrian Hapsburgs subdued revolt and centralized control in their territories by doing which of the following? (A) Emancipating the peasantry and encouraging agricultural development (B) Allying with the urban middle classes and encouraging commercial development (C) Establishing a national church headed by the Hapsburg emperor and redistributing former church properties (D) Creating a customs union to promote trade and acquiring new territories to supply merchants with raw materials (E) Waging warfare against rebel groups and supporting the Catholic Reformation 9. Which of the following was a major result of the Thirty’ Years’ War (1618-1648)? (A) The long-term strengthening of the Holy Roman Emperor’s authority (B) The banning of Calvinism in the German states (C) The establishment of strong Russian influence in the northern German states (D) The loss of as much as one-third of the German -speaking population through war, plague, and starvation (E) The encouragement of rapid economic development in many German-speaking cities 20. After the defeat of King Charles I in the English Civil War and his execution in 1649, England was governed for a decade by A) a democratic republic with universal suffrage (B) a commonwealth led by Oliver Cromwell and his son (C) a constitutional monarchy under King James II (D) the king of Scotland (E) a parliamentary council dominated by egalitarians 21. Which of the following most clearly distinguishes the northern Renaissance from the Italian Renaissance? (A) Interest in science and technology (B) Greater concern with religious piety (C) Cultivation of a Latin style (D) Use of national languages in literature (E) Admiration for Scholastic thought 22. Adam Smith maintained that A) workers real wages decrease in the long run (B) population always tends to outstrip food supplies (C) monopolies benefit the state (D) competition is socially beneficial (E) social revolution is inevitable 23. Which of the following early nineteenth-century political figures was most closely identified with the concept of â€Å"the concert of Europe†? (A) Castlereagh (B) Napoleon I (C) Talleyrand (D) Alexander I (E) Metternich 24. A factor accelerating the British government’s repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846 was the (A) South Sea Bubble scandal (B) American Revolution C) Irish potato famine (D) development of relatively inexpensive ocean transport (E) worldwide mechanization of grain farming 25. Which of the following spared Europe a general multinational war during the second half of the nineteenth century? (A) The functioning of an effective balance of power (B) Europe’s preoccupation with industrial development (C) The strength of the German navy (D) Fear of Ottoman expansion into the rest of Europe (E) A policy of free and unrestricted trade 26. The eighteenth-century philosophes believed that society could best a chieve progress through A) prayer and contemplation (B) intuition (C) hard work and self-denial (D) scientific empiricism (E) analysis of Greek and Latin texts 27. The model of the universe which resulted from the scientific work of Galileo and Newton embraced (A) Aristotelian philosophy (B) a belief in an ascending â€Å"chain of being†(C) a conception of a spiritually animate universe (D) the belief in the fixed, central position of the Earth (E) the science of mechanics 28. The sequence of events that led to the French Revolution of 1789 is best summarized by which of the following? A) Lafayette’s call for democracy, royal suppression of the National Assembly, Robespierre’s leading a peasant revolution (B) Peasant uprisings, royal abdication, election of the National Assembly (C) Franco-Austrian war, urban riots, convening of the Assembly of Notables (D) Widespread famine, repression of riots, guerrilla war (E) Royal financial crisis, convening of the Estate s General, storming of the Bastille 29. â€Å"In place of the old bourgeois society, with its classes and class antagonism, we shall have an association, in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all. These words express the ideas of (A) Alexis de Tocqueville (B) John Locke (C) Jean-Jacques Rousseau (D) Edmund Burke (E) Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 30. Which of the following best describes an important trend in typical family size in Western Europe after 1870? (A) It increased in urban areas due to improvements in public health and housing for workers. (B) It decreased in working-class families due to legislation limiting child labor. (C) It decreased sharply because of chronic food shortages (D) It decreased initially in the middle classes because of the increased costs of rearing children. E) It remained unchanged because of massive emigration overseas 31. English economic expansion was severely threatened in the eighteenth century by a rapidly diminishing supply of (A) peat (B) wood (C) coal (D) oil (E) water power [pic] Left side of graph should read â€Å"Population (in millions)†, the first number is 1700 not 700 32. All of the following statements about Europe’s population in the eighteenth century can be inferred from the graph above EXCEPT: (A) For most of the century, France had the largest population of any European power. (B) The population of Eastern Europe outstripped that of Western Europe in size. C) Russia experienced the largest increase in rate of population growth. (D) The population of the British Isles grew throughout the century. (E) Rates of population growth increased after 1750. 33. â€Å"The salon was a weekly gathering held in the home of one of the dominant ladies of the society, at which dinner was usually served, cards usually played, but conversation led by the hostess predominated. A few salons were known as having the ideal mixture of leading intellectuals, open-minded nobles, and clever, elegant women. †The passage above describes an important aspect of social life in which of the following? A) Geneva during the Reformation (B) Florence during the Renaissance (C) London during the Glorious Revolution (D) Paris during the Enlightenment (E) Berlin during the Kulturkampf 34. Enlightened monarchs of the eighteenth century supported all of the following EXCEPT (A) religious tolerance (B) increased economic productivity (C) pacifist foreign policy (D) administrative reform (E) secular and technical education 35. Which of the following characterized European warfare between the Peace of Utrecht (1713) and the outbreak of the French Revolution (1789)? (A) Standing armies pursuing limited strategic goals B) Citizen armies fighting for their native lands (C) Feudal armies fighting for their lords (D) Mass armies pursuing global strategies (E) Highly mobile armies unhampered by traditional defenses 36. Under the Napoleonic system, peasants in territ ories conquered by French armies were generally given (A) the right to vote for representatives to serve in newly created parliaments (B) control over the appointment of village priests (C) freedom from manorial obligations (D) free lessons in the French language (E) sets of laws designed specifically to fit local conditions 37. The greatest happiness for the greatest number†was the explicit goal of which of the following movements? (A) Romanticism (B) Utilitarianism (C) Pietism (D) Anarchism (E) Jansenism 38. â€Å"In the presence of my guests I reduced the telegram by deleting words, without adding or altering a single word . . . which made the announcement appear decisive. [My guest] said: ‘Now it has quite a different ring. In its original form it sounded like a parley. Now it is like a flourish of trumpets in answer to a challenger. ’ I went on to explain: ‘ . . . it will have the effect of a red flag on the Gallic bull’†The individual re counting the story above was (A) Napoleon III (B) Cavour (C) Disraeli (D) Bismarck (E) Alexander II 39. The disease most common in industrialized areas of nineteenth-century Europe was (A) bubonic plague (B) tuberculosis (C) smallpox (D) malaria (E) leprosy 40. In 1917 the Bolsheviks sought to rally support from the Russian people with which of the following slogans? (A) â€Å"Peace, land, bread†(B) â€Å"Socialism in one country†(C) â€Å"Blood and iron†(D) â€Å"Family, work, fatherland†(E) â€Å"Liberty, equality, fraternity†41. French leaders decided to occupy Germany’s Ruhr Valley in January 1923 in order to A) counterbalance Soviet influence in Germany (B) incorporate German territory permanently into France (C) halt the rise of the Nazi party among workers in the region (D) use the region’s industrial production to accelerate France’s rearmament (E) seize goods as payment for Germany’s reparations debt 42. By 1948 Soviet-dependent regimes existed in all of the following countries EXCEPT (A) Bulgaria (B) Hungary (C) Poland (D) Rumania (E) Yugoslavia 43. The French monarchy in the seventeenth century sought to expand France’s borders to its â€Å"natural frontiers†by gaining control of (A) Schleswig-Holstein B) Milan (C) Alsace (D) Spain (E) Tuscany 44. Which of the following caused the deepest and most persistent internal opposition to the French Revolution? (A) The Great Fear (B) The storming of the Bastille (C) The publication of Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France (D) The advent of the Thermidorean reaction (E) The enactment of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy 45. Architecture produced in the Napoleonic Empire was influenced most by (A) ancient Egyptian pyramids (B) classical models (C) Romanesque churches (D) Islamic structures (E) Gothic churches [pic] 46.The graph above depicts the lengths, from longest to shortest, of the railway systems of (A ) the United Kingdom, the Italian states, France (B) the United Kingdom, the German states, France (C) The German states, the United Kingdom, the Italian states (D) France, the German states, the Italian states (E) France, the United Kingdom, the German states 47. Mary Wollstonecraft and John Stuart Mill both wrote (A) critiques of the French Revolution (B) tracts on liberty and the rights of women (C) Utopian novels (D) polemics against alcohol consumption (E) satires of George III of England 48.All of the following cities experienced major uprisings in 1848 EXCEPT A) Paris B) Berlin C) London D) Rome E) Vienna [pic] 49. The image shown above is an example of a new technique for examining the human body which was discovered by (A) Faraday (B) Pasteur (C) Lister (D) Roentgen (E) Planck Questions 50-51 are based on the passage below. Where liberal parties, now liberal only in name, remained in power, they embraced protectionism and imperialism, undertook social regulation, and retain ed from the old liberal creed only Opposition to the extension of the franchise and to the church. 50.In what era did the developments described in the passage most probably take place? (A) 1715-1788 (B) 1789-1800 (C) 1815-1830 (D) 1880-1905 (E) 1945-1970 51. Which of the following factors best explains the transformation and decline of liberalism described in the passage? (A) The continued deference of peasants to aristocratic influence (B) The rise of industrial society and of mass political movements (C) The general decline in literacy rates (D) The inability of laissez-faire economics to uproot traditional communal agriculture and guilds (E) A strong popular reaction against liberal anti-clericalism 2. Which of the following ideas did Darwin draw on in developing his theories of evolution? (A) The Romantics’ ideas about the importance of heroic individuals (B) The scientific view that species are eternal and unchanging (C) The Biblical account of creation in Genesis (D) N ineteenth-century theories of manifest destiny (E) The population theories of Thomas Malthus [pic] 53. The nineteenth-century English cartoon above depicts (A) the weakening of Great Britain caused by emigration (B) Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice (C) the pollution resulting from industrialization D) British naval losses (E) criminals lurking around British waterways 54. The immediate cause of the 1905 Russian Revolution was social strain resulting from (A) the agitation of the Russian Social Democratic party (B) the mass emigration of skilled workers to the New World (C) attempts by the government to reform the Russian Orthodox church (D) the demands of ethnic groups for political autonomy (E) Russian losses in the Russo-Japanese War [pic] 55. According to the graph above, which class in sixteenth-century England benefited most from the trends shown? (A) Landowners B) Landless laborers (C) Household servants (D) Merchants (E) Small-scale artisans 56. Which of the following was a primary result of the Glorious Revolution of 1688? (A) The establishment of universal male suffrage (B) The restoration of Roman Catholicism to both England and Scotland (C) The limitation of monarchical power (D) The execution of Charles I (E) The triumph of Puritanism 57. Important prerequisites for Great Britain’s industrialization in the mid-eighteenth century included which of the following? (A) Innovations in agricultural techniques and increases in food production B) Dramatic improvements in workers’ housing in the cities (C) A rapid increase in the amount of gold imported from New World colonies (D) Rapid growth of a national system of rail transport (E) Strong monarchical leadership and a centralized government bureaucracy [pic] 58. The shaded areas on the map above represent which of the following? (A) Dynastic lands of the Hapsburgs in the sixteenth century (B) Participants in the Thirty Years’ War in the seventeenth century (C) Protestant regions in the eighteenth century (D) Members of the Holy Alliance in the nineteenth century E) Members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in the twentieth century 59. Which of the following European countries experienced the greatest degree of political instability in the nineteenth century? (A) Austria (B) France (C) The Netherlands (D) Prussia (E) Russia 60. When Sigmund Freud remarked that â€Å"in mental life nothing which has once been formed can perish,†he meant that (A) human beings are rational creatures (B) human beings can remember and recall all experiences at will (C) all mental acts are conscious mental acts D) the unconscious preserves unpleasant as well as pleasant thoughts (E) the unconscious obliterates excess thoughts [pic] 61. The chronologically arranged maps above illustrate the (A) concluding phases of the Franco-Prussian War (B) Schlieffen Plan (C) concluding phases of the First World War (D) settlement of the Treaty of Versailles. 1919 (E) invasion of France in 1940 62. Which of the following ideas is common to the works of both Karl Marx and the classical economists? (A) The overthrow of the bourgeoisie by the revolutionary proletariat is inevitable. B) Class struggle is the mechanism of historical progress. (C) The free exchange of wages for labor ensures social harmony. (D) The value of a product is largely determined by the value of the labor used to produce it. (E) The triumph of the proletariat will bring about a classless society. 63. During the last third of the nineteenth century, new industries, such as those producing electric power and chemicals, advanced most rapidly in which of the following European countries? (A) France (B) Italy (C) Germany (D) Belgium (E) Spain 64. What the breechloader, the machine gun, the steamboat, the steamship, quinine, and other innovations did was to lower the cost in both financial and human terms of penetrating, conquering, and exploiting new territories. So cost-effective did they ma ke imperialism that not only national governments but even individuals like Henry Stanley’ and Cecil Rhodes could precipitate events and stake out claims to vast territories which later became parts of empires. †The historian quoted above would most likely use which of the following statements to explain imperialism in Africa after 1870? A) Europe’s major corporations used ruthless force in their search for overseas trade and profits. (B) The power of European technology provided the mechanism that made imperialism cheap and easy. (C) European politicians were willing and eager to risk war for the sake of national prestige. (D) Individuals like Stanley and Rhodes were more important than economic forces in the conquest of Africa by Europeans. (E) The European officer class was eager to use Africa as a testing ground for new weapons. 65. All of the following were invented in Western Europe during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries EXCEPT A) firearms (B) movabl e printing type (C) the compound microscope (D) the compass (E) the flying shuttle 66. â€Å"It was an important confederation of commercial towns in northern Germany with its own laws, diplomats, and flags. Its membership of merchants earned large profits shipping fish, timber, and other resources to areas to the west and to the south. Prosperity declined, however, when trade routes shifted from the Baltic to the Atlantic after 1500. †The description above refers to the (A) Confederation of the Rhine (B) Hanseatic League C) Merchants of the Staple (D) Holy Roman Empire (E) Schmalkaldic League 67. In the sixteenth century, all of the following had religious civil wars or political insurrections EXCEPT (A) Muscovite Russia (B) England (C) the Low Countries (D) France (E) the German states 68. The teachings of which of the following had the greatest impact on the Reformation in Scotland? (A) Ignatius of Loyola (B) John Calvin (C) Martin Luther (D) Desiderius Erasmus (E) Ulrich Zwingli 69. Mercantilism was principally characterized by (A) government efforts to build a strong. elf-sufficient economy (B) the efforts of the merchant class to influence policy by subsidizing the government (C) efforts by bankers and exporters to establish free trade (D) the theory that gold and silver were not real wealth (E) the view that labor ought to be able to seek its own market 70. In the late seventeenth century, which of the following countries led continental Europe in shipbuilding, navigation, and commerce and banking? (A) France (B) Russia (C) The Netherlands (D) Denmark (E) Spain 71. In eighteenth-century Europe, the most important imperial rivalries existed among which three of the following? A) Russia, France, and Great Britain (B) The German states, the Italian states, and Great Britain (C) The German states, the Italian states, and France (D) The German states, the Italian states, and Spain (E) Spain, France, and Great Britain 72. All of the following occurred as a result of the settlements reached at the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815) EXCEPT: (A) A balance of power was reestablished. (B) Belgium was united with the Netherlands under the House of Orange. (C) The neutrality of Switzerland was recognized. (D) Italy was unified under Sardinian leadership. E) A personal union between Sweden and Norway was created. 73. In the mid-nineteenth century, industrial growth in Western Europe was significantly stimulated by the (A) abolition of national customs barriers (B) introduction of assembly-line production (C) investment of United States Capital (D) expansion of transportation systems (E) expansion of labor unions 74. Which of the following factors most stimulated the entrance of large numbers of women into the labor force in many European countries during the First World War? (A) The decline in the average size of families (B) The increase in divorce rates C) Woman suffrage (D) The spread of Wilsonian principles (E) The shortage in the labor supply 75. A social historian would be most likely to research which of the following topics? (A) French diplomacy, 1742-1763 (B) Frederick William I and the General Directory of War, Finance, and Domains (C) The philosophical assumptions of Montesquieu’s Persian Letters (D) Napoleon’s Freudian relationship with Madame de Stael (E) Family life in a French village 76. In late nineteenth-century Great Britain, women were in the majority in which of the following categories of employment? (A) Transportation B) Mining (C) Factory work (D) Domestic service (E) Construction work 77. Which of the following scientific theories of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries was used to support notions of racial superiority? (A)James’s theory of pragmatism (B)Freud’s psychoanalytic theory (C)Darwin’s theory of natural selection (D)Planck’s quantum theory (E)Pavlov’s theory of conditioned response [pic] 78. The painting above, Musical Forms (1931 ) by Georges Braque, is an example of which of the following schools of painting? (A) Romantic (B)Impressionist (C) Cubist (D) Expressionist (E) Realist 79.Albert Einstein is well known for theorizing that (A) atoms are stable, basic building blocks of nature (B) time and space are unconnected concepts (C) light contains energy only when it is visible (D) mass and energy are interconvertible (E) the speed of an aircraft cannot exceed the speed of sound 80. Most historians would agree with which of the following descriptions of the Treaty of Versailles of 1919? (A) A treaty that spelled out the Soviet Union’s reparation obligations (B) A triumph of farsighted political and economic planning (C) A treaty that dismantled the British Empire D) A destructive peace dictated by the United States (E) A treaty that the defeated thought too harsh and the victors thought too lenient 81. The political and social values of the Vichy government in France during the Second World War are best described as (A) democratic, socialistic, peaceful (B) radically fascistic, antichurch, antielitist (C) conservative-authoritarian, corporatist, Catholic (D) monarchist, nationalistic, antimilitary (E) republican, liberal, expansionist [pic] 82. The map above represents the British Empire in (A) 1776 (B) 1850 (C) 1919 (D) 1950 (E) 1961 83. Man, being the servant and interpreter of Nature, can do and understand so much . . . as he has observed.. . . Beyond this he neither knows anything nor can do anything. †The passage above was written by (A) Francis Bacon (B) Martin Luther (C) Rene Descartes (D) Georg Hegel (E) Friedrich Nietzsche 84. Which of the following European states was the last to eliminate legal discrimination against Jews? (A) Austria-Hungary (B) France (C) Great Britain (D) Italy (E) Russia 85. All of the following were among President Wilson’s Fourteen Points EXCEPT (A) an independent Poland (B) absolute freedom of navigation C) the limitation of armament s (D) the autonomous development of the peoples of Austria-Hungary (E) the autonomous development of the peoples of the Russian Empire 86. The major objective of the Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928) was to (A) end the use of war for solving international controversies (B) end the Russo-Polish border conflict (C) end tensions between France and Great Britain over the export of French farm surpluses to Great Britain (D) end the French occupation of the Ruhr (E) replace the Dawes and Young plans [pic] 87. The illustration above from a 1940 German magazine suggests that women should A) bear as many children as possible (B) not be discouraged by shortages of food and consumer goods (C) not work outside the house (D) support the war effort by doing their sons’ and husbands’ jobs (E) enlist in the army to help the war effort 88. The primary instrument of economic integration in Western Europe since the Second World War has been the (A) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (B) European Economic Community (EEC) (C) World Bank (D) United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) (E) European Free Trade Association (EFTA) 9. The most notable social effect of the 1923 inflation in Germany was the (A) depletion of the savings and income of the middle class (B) encouragement of population shifts from cities to the countryside (C) strengthening of the position of women in the work force (D) acceleration of a trend toward the establishment of cooperative pension plans (E) reduction of social tensions 90. All of the following are policies to which totalitarian states have traditionally adhered EXCEPT (A) encouragement of multiparty political systems (B) promotion of social welfare measures C) expansion of the military (D) economic planning (E) holding of periodic elections 91. Which of the following was a major factor in German military victories in1939-1940? (A) Overwhelming German technological and numerical superiority to the French an d the English (B) French insistence on continuing to fight, regardless of the cost (C) Britain’s campaign in Norway, which diverted British troops from Western Europe (D) The German army’s effective use of armor and air power in the Blitzkrieg (E) The German defeat of the Russian army at Tannenberg in August 1939 92.Which of the following statements about twentieth-century existentialists like Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre is true? (A) They questioned the efficacy of reason and science in understanding the human situation. (B) They counseled an integration of Christian principles into everyday life. (C) They promoted the development of nuclear technology. (D) They advocated a return to the ideals of the Enlightenment. (E) They advocated nationalism and the strengthening of the individual nation-states. 93. In the 1960’s a factor that distinguished Soviet social structure from the societies of advanced industrial nations in Western Europe was theSoviet Unionà ¢â‚¬â„¢s (A) lack of linguistic and ethnic divisions (B) high percentage of workers engaged in agriculture (C) rising number of workers in service-sector jobs (D) integration of women into the political elite (E) system of compulsory education 94. Which of the following was the major reason for the establishment of the Dual Monarchy in 1867? (A) To satisfy the demands of the Magyars (B) To resist Turkish encroachment into Europe (C) To resist demands made by Napoleon III (D) To balance the power of the North German Confederation (E) To curb the growing strength of a united Italy 5. The immediate aim of the Truman Doctrine of 1947 was to (A) promote the economic recovery of Europe (B) block the spread of communism in France and Italy (C) prevent the overthrow of the Greek and Turkish governments (D) bring about Soviet withdrawal from Czechoslovakia (E) forestall Soviet plans with regard to West Germany 96. Which of the following areas was conceded to Hitler at the Munich Conference o f 1938? (A) The Polish Corridor (B) The Rhineland (C) The Saar (D) Silesia (E) Sudetenland 97. The Western Allies and the Soviet Union agreed to all of the following easures to be implemented after the Second World War EXCEPT (A) the division of Berlin into four occupation zones (B) an international trial at Nuremberg of major Nazi leaders (C) a denazification program (D) the placing of Germany under the control of the United Nations (E) the disarmament of the German military 98. Nikita Khrushchev’s program of de-Stalinization involved all of the following EXCEPT (A) curbing the power of the political police (B) attacking Stalin’s cult of personality (C) disbanding agricultural collectives (D) reestablishing the primacy of the Communist party E) loosening controls over culture and society 99. Which of the following characterized Mussolini’s ideal of the fascist corporate state? I. Organization of the population into syndicates of employers, employees, and govern ment arbitrators II. Establishment of semiautonomous regional governments III. Abolition of strikes, lockouts, and the older trade unions (A) I only (B) II only (C) I and II only (D) I and III only (E) I, II, and III 100. Which of the following was a central part of National Socialist ideology? (A) Anticommunism (B) Conservatism (C) Protestantism (D) Utilitarianism (B) Syndicalism
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