Saturday, August 31, 2019
Sensory Loss Essay
Outcome1. Understand the factors that impact on an individual with sensory loss 1.1 Analyse how a range of factors can impact on individuals with sensory loss. A range of factors can impact on individuals with sensory loss. We gather so much information from our sight and hearing. Reading, writing, talking and listening are all things we do in everyday life, we rely on our senses to process and understand what is going on in the world around us. We use these senses to carry out everyday living skills so to those with sensory loss this can have a massive impact. Sensory loss can frequently lead to isolation and frustration and not being able to communicate effectively with other people. If an individual suffered from hearing loss day-to-day activities such as watching the television, answering a telephone or hearing the doorbell can become very daunting and difficult tasks. This could lead to the individual feeling inadequate and isolated from other people. Being blind or partially sighted means losing the ability to see facial expressions and gestures making it difficult for the person to understand what is being communicated. Not being able to read information can put the individual at risk, for example the information on medication packets, if this can’t be seen clearly or not at all it could lead to the individual under dosing, overdosing or taking the wrong medication which could lead to other health problems. Everyday tasks other people take for granted can become increasingly difficult for a person, the reading of labels on food packets where oven temperatures and times are written, the setting of the oven or microwave are examples of how hard things can become, not being able to read letters or bank statements and having to get others to do this can have an effect on maintaining confidentiality and independence. Even something as simple as going to your wardrobe and choosing an outfit for the day would become difficult for a person who is visually impaired. Mobility is another factor that would be impacted by sensory loss especially in unfamiliar surroundings the individual could become disor iented and be at risk of not seeing potential hazards for example traffic. The individual would need to rely on others to carry out simple tasks such as going to the shop to buy milk. 1.2 Analyse how societal attitudes and beliefs impact on individuals with sensory loss. The attitudes and beliefs of society of individuals with sensory loss can impact them in a negative way, people often believe that someone who suffers a sensory loss also has lack of understanding. Some people will automatically raise their voice to an individual who suffers a visual loss. People with any kind of sensory loss can have difficulties in finding employment. Even though the Equality Act and the Disability Discrimination Act mean that employers cannot discriminate, it is hard to convince an employer that a sensory loss does not necessarily mean that someone is unable to do a job. There are many things that people do without thinking of the impact they may have on people with sensory loss for example parking at a dipped curb or parking on the pavements and not leaving room to pass especially for someone who is visually impaired and this is their usual route and they are not used to obstacles being in the way. However not all is negative, society is better than it used to be. Bus companies accommodate for people with sensory loss for example guide dogs are allowed on buses and the stop button has brail this makes it much easier for people with impaired vision to go out into the community and live an independent life. There are also more building such as cinemas, theatres and conference facilities that have loop systems so that people who have hearing aids can listen to what is being said or preformed. Some television programmes have access to subtitles and some even have signers in the bottoms corners. You can also get access to audio description which will describe in detail exactly what is happening on the screen. There are many more services that provide support to people with sensory loss, there is more training provided for carers and support worker so we can support these individuals better and help to improve their quality of life. 1.3 Explore how a range of factors, societal attitudes and beliefs impact on the service provision. Society’s attitudes and beliefs impact on the service provision as people believe that everyone has rights and should be treated with respect and as an individual. The provision provides the individuals with the support they need to ensure they have a better quality of life. The social model of disability supports the idea of person-centred services. For people with sensory loss, this means that services are planned in a way that gives people control over the services they need to support them. Discrimination is one of the biggest problems in today’s society, people with sensory loss are treated differently, and there a lot of barriers that need to be overcome. The service provision work together to help overcome these barriers. The is also the issues of money and ensuring they can provide the service individuals need within a budget. This can impact on the service as some individuals may not get the support they need or they could be waiting a long time before it is available to them. Outcome2. Understand the importance of effective communication for individuals with sensory loss. 2.1 explain the methods of communication used by individuals with sight loss, hearing loss and deaf blindness. There are many ways in which a person with sight loss can communicate verbal methods such as talking face to face or over the phone may be used. Auditory methods such as listening and responding to taped information could also be used depending on what the individual prefers. Non-verbal can include things like touch, gesture and tactile methods including brail. Depending on the severity of the sight loss other methods such as low vision aids could also enable the individual to communicate with others. People with hearing loss may use a variety of different methods in order to communicate with others. Non-verbal methods include using eye-contact, facial expressions, touch, gesture, signs or sign language. Written communication methods such as letters, pictures, texts or email. Many people with hearing loss will learning to lip read to enable them to respond with others. People who are deaf blind communicate using their remaining sight and hearing. They can also use touch with objects, known as tactile communication or by using touch with people this is called tactual communication. Depending on the individual’s preference, education and background will determine the best method of communication; some may prefer to use different noises in order to distinguish what they want other may use pictures or brail. 2.2 Describe how the environment facilitates effective communication for people with sensory loss. By using different colours it is possible to help people with sensory loss differentiate between surfaces. It can also be used to highlight key and safety features for example areas of danger would be in red. An effect colour contrasted environment will reduce the risk of injury. This enables people with sensory loss to go out by themselves. Making things bigger and easier to see such as sign posts helps people with sensory loss to find their ways around. Places of interest such as cinemas, museums and theatres facilitates for sensory loss by providing loop systems and audio description. Out in the community you will see that many curbs a dipped which not only provides access for wheelchair use but it indicates the end of the pavement. One key beneficial aspect for someone with hearing loss would be to reduce the background noise level, however this can be difficult out in the community or in a group setting, but it is important to be aware of noise level and if possible move to a quieter area for important discussions. People are also an important part of the environment so if possible we as support works should remind others to think about the communication needs of people with sensory loss. 2.3 Explain how effective communication may have a positive impact on lives of individuals with sensory loss. Effective communication for individuals with sensory loss can help them to cope with their sensory loss and maintaining social contact can help to build their confidence and self-esteem which will vastly contribute to a better quality of life. It can help them to build relationships and maintain independence out in the community. Being able to effectively communicate with other can give them the ability of choice and make decisions in their own life and let others know how they would like to be cared for or supported. Outcome3. Understand the main causes and conditions of sensory loss. 3.1 Identify the main causes of sensory loss. Age is one of the main causes of sensory loss, as we age our hearing and sight deteriorates. Most people begin to lose a small amount of their hearing when they are 30 to 40 years old. This hearing loss increases as you get older. By the age of 80 most people will have significant hearing problems. Another common cause of hearing loss is damage to the ear due to repeated exposure to loud noises over time. This is known as noise-induced hearing loss and it occurs when the sensitive hair cells inside the cochlea become damaged. Some people may be born deaf or become deaf over time due to a genetic abnormality. People can also suffer hearing loss as a result of a viral infection or disease they have suffered. There are many potential causes of deafblindness. It can either be present at birth or develop later in life. Deafblindness is often caused from genetic conditions such as Down’s syndrome. Other causes can be excessive alcohol or drug induces by the pregnant mother or viral infection such as rubella during pregnancy. Deafblindness can also be the result of age, illness or injury. Most people with acquired deafblindness have been able to see or hear for most of their lives. Most causes of visual impairment are conditions that develop as you get older. About 8 in every 10 people with visual impairment are over 65. However, losing your vision is not an inevitable part of ageing. It is often the result of a condition that can either be treated or sometimes even prevented. Examples of these conditions are cataracts, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. 3.2 Define congenital sensory loss and acquired sensory loss. Congenital sensory loss is when the individual has sensory loss from birth whereas acquired sensory loss is when the sensory loss has developed as a result of aging, serious injury or illness. 3.3 Identify the demographic factors that influence the incidence of sensory loss in the population. There are many factors that’s influence the incidence of sensory loss in the population, as people age it is a common that losing some sight, hearing or both is a normal part of grow old. With rising numbers of people over 60 years old and with the growing life expectancy the amount of people who experience both sight and hearing loss is also escalating. Another factor in the population is the level of noise out in the community. Continuous exposers to loud noises can damage your hearing. Exposer to certain viral infections and some other illnesses can also be a factor to sensory loss in the population especially if the infections are passed on from person to person i.e. rubella. Outcome4. Know how to recognise when an individual may be experiencing sight and / or hearing loss and actions that may be taken. 4.1 Identify the indicators and signs of sight loss, hearing loss and deafblindness. Eyesight tends to disappear more gradual than sudden. In fact the warning signs in adults can be subtle and may not be noticed until it becomes a nuisance. As support workers we should be looking for signs such as squinting, bumping into objects, moves hesitantly and stays close to walls. We should also be listening to complaints of headaches, migraines and eyes hurting. Again hearing loss can be subtle, some indicators and signs of hearing loss include, needed frequent repetition, have difficulty following conversation, thinking people sound muffled and have the TV or radio turned up to high volume. People who suffer hearing loss may also rise their own voice during conversation as they may not be able to hear themselves speaking. When an individual suffers from deafblindness you may notice a combination of the signs and indication of someone who suffers hearing or sight loss. 4.2 Explain actions that should be taken if there are concerns about onset of sensory loss or change in sensory status. If you notice changes in the ability of someone you support, it is important to speak to them about what you have noticed. For example, if you think that someone’s sight is deteriorating, you need to check with them that they have noticed too. If we have concerns we should explain to them what can be done to get it check and treatments or aids available to them. We should go through the options for investigating the cause of the loss and ensure that we have the person’s agreement to contacting the relevant health professional. The first contact would usually be the GP who would arrange further specialist test. If further treatment is need it is important that as support workers we reassure the individual and support them to appointments. The individual’s family should also be informed. 4.3 Identify sources of support for those who may be experiencing onset sensory loss. There are specialist organisation such as RNIB and RNID that provide information and specialist advice they could also provide information on local facilities. GPs and local hospitals would also be able to provide support also some primary care trusts also have sensory support teams who may be able to provide support or to offer advice on good practice. There are many awareness courses that employers can also provide to carers/support worker so they can better support the individuals with onset sensory loss.
Hualapai Language Revitalization and Literacy
Conner Kolter Hualapai Language Revitalization and Literacy The Hualapai Indians, like many other indigenous societies, have faced the continuing threat of losing their culture. For this particular society, through perseverance, hard work and a helping hand from many people outside the Native American community, the Hualapai’s have been able to provide a writing system for their endangered language. This step has proven to be crucial in keeping the language and has also become an example for other Native American tribes who worry about their mother language becoming extinct.This success story has become a symbol that not all is lost if effort is put into something that is deeply cared about. A culture and society’s language is one of, if not the most, important aspects to what makes them different from everyone else. Without that attribute, the people that belong to that language can feel lost and lose a sense of who they are. In the Hualapai culture, members who were i n school in the 1930’s were forced to attend an English-only speaking school where the Hualapai language would be physically beaten out of them.Those children, who are now the grandparents of the present children of the small tribe, stress the importance of learning their native language considering how large a presence English has around them. With the new writing system, the members of the Hualapai tribe can keep their language and have it passed down from generation to generation. Learning more than one linguistic system is a challenge and when teaching the mother language at home is its only exposure, it becomes harder to develop those multilingual skills.With the difficulties that come with learning two languages, some children give up learning one, usually the native tongue and with advancing languages such as English in the business and political world, children might not even learn their cultural language at home. Just as quickly as these dominant languages have been growing, indigenous tongues have been disappearing. A major portion of why native languages become extinct is because of schools. A majority of schools are taught only in English but it doesn’t end there.Parents at home may not want to teach their children to speak the native tongue because of the fear that they will be behind everyone else and not have an equal opportunity to become successful in the outside world because of a language barrier (Lavenda and Schultz 2013, 49-50). This is exactly the case with the Hualapai Indians. In a day where you must be fluent in English, parents have realized that the sacrifice of not choosing to teach their language would be worth it, if their children got a full education out of it. In this case however, the Hualapai’s had unconditional support from the outside community.In the public schools, now that there was a written language for these Native Americans, people fought for classrooms to be bilingual. Without the invention of t he written form of this language, this innovative idea would not have been possible. The Hualapai language underwent language revitalization; â€Å"creating grammars, dictionaries and archival and educational materials designed to teach and preserve these languages for the future†(Lavenda and Schultz 2013, 50). This creation is extremely important to their society because is a new way for the Hualapai’s to express their language and allows them to expand and solidify their cultural too.The writing system for this language was a new concept to everyone, even to the speakers themselves. Because it is something that has to be learned socially, it has become a part of their culture now. Now that they are able to write their spoken language, they are better suited to adapt to the changing world. They can carry on learning in English, but now they can also enjoy learning about their culture while adding on to it without the stress of falling behind in the outside world (cla ss notes, September 7, 2012).There are many advantages that are to be considered now that the Hualapai language has caught up with other languages in the sense of how they can be expressed. Because, the public high school where the teenage Hualapai Indians attend now teach courses in both languages, members from the tribe are coming forward asking to have their skills taught to the students so that the information they know can be passed down. This is a gain for both the natives and for community members outside the tribe.For example, a daughter of a medicine man came to the school wanting to teach about the different plants that can be used for medical uses. This is a perfect instance where cultural borrowing is taking place. A natural tendency that occurs when two or more cultures come in contact with each other and borrow ideas and practices is known as acculturation (Lavenda and Schultz 2012, 185). This process is not a bad habit either. Each culture doesn’t just take the ideas and practices as they are but change them and incorporate them into their own culture so that there is meaning and importance behind them.For the Palm Springs, Arizona community learning about the Hualapai practices of ethnobotany expands their awareness of the tribe and is also helpful for learning new ways to treat suffering. Due to this new writing system brought forth for the Hualapai Indians, many opportunities came into the light for them. Incorporating a writing system allowed the tribe to keep their language alive and thriving. Now that their language is being taught and freely spoken outside the reservation, members don’t have to worry about children not gaining their place in the world for the fear of falling behind if they only spoke their native tongue.Most of the tribe members are becoming more in touch with their heritage and new culture now that there is a writing system that needs to be learned. It has given the small population pride of who they are an d they are able to further their history by means of writing down their cultural traditions, practices, vocabulary. Because there is a physical form of their language, the Hualapai Indians can keep their language and pass it down to the next generations. They can inform others about who they are, what they believe.They have finally made a place in the world for themselves because of the radical progress they made for themselves and hopefully can make the same positive change for other indigenous tribes on the brink of losing their language and culture. Bibliography Martin del Campo, Edgar. â€Å"Defining â€Å"Culture†. †Class lecture, Core Concepts in Anthropology from University of New Hampshire, Durham, September 7, 2012. Lavenda, Robert H.. , and Emily Ann Schultz. Core concepts in cultural anthropology. 5th ed. Mountain View, Calif. : Mayfield, 2013.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Life and Works of Gregory Crewdson Essay
Gregory Crewdson was born in Park Slope, a neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York. As a teenager, he was a member of a punk rock group called â€Å"The Speedies†that hit the New York scene and sold out shows all over town. Their hit song â€Å"Let Me Take Your Foto†is a signal of what Crewdson’s true calling would be later in life. The same song was used by Hewlett Packard to advertise its digital cameras. In 1985, Crewdson studied photography at SUNY Purchase, New York. He proceeded to get his Master of Fine Arts degree from Yale University and taught at Sarah Lawrence, Cooper Union, Vassar College and Yale University where he has been on the faculty since 1993. Crewdson is represented in New York at the Luhring Augustine Gallery and in London by the White Cube Gallery. His listings of selected exhibits of his works alone cover more than two pages. Crewdson also has three photography books entitled â€Å"Hover†published in 1995; â€Å"Twilight†published in 2003; and â€Å"Gregory Crewdson†published in 2005. The last was a collection of his works from 1983 to 2005. Today, Gregory Crewdson continues to work on his craft and he continues to teach because â€Å"teaching is ideal for an artist because he gets to learn what the next generation are doing, what they’re reading, what they’re listening to, and to talk about form and composition†¦. We end up talking about everything else -galleries, the market. Everything but the art itself. †There wasn’t a lot of material on Gregory Crewdson’s transition from being a member of the band to being a serious and celebrated contemporary photographer. However, in an interview conducted by Ana Finel Honigman for Kultureflash, the photographer-artist revealed that his photographic themes and influences came from varied sources such as his father’s work as a psychoanalyst to his fascination with films especially those made by Alfred Hitchcock. He also stated that he is influenced by Orson Welles and Cronenberg. Furthermore, Crewdson revealed during the interview that he is fascinated by all films irregardless of genre, but that his fascination seems to be more with the lighting and â€Å"ambience†of the theatre as a controlled environment and outlet for the film as a work of art. Looking at his works of photography, Crewdson have the same â€Å"cinematic†feel and a pervasive feeling of gloom or foreboding. Gregory Crewdson also mentioned that â€Å"You can never get away from your self as an artist or as a person. Invariably themes and issues always resurface and make themselves evident in some form or another†. In stating this, Crewdson have confirmed some of his audiences and reviewers’ comments that his photography seems to reflect portions or aspects of his life – which he actually denied in the interview despite the statement. He insists that he feels protective about his work while still in progress often showing it to only a handful of people but once an exhibit has been decided on this body of work, then he totally disengages or makes himself â€Å"unattached†from his photography. Looking at some of Gregory Crewdson’s work, you can find series of photographs with the same theme or even title that has continuity and differences in light and perspective. Like his work entitled â€Å"Brightview†, â€Å"Long Clumps of Beetles†, â€Å"Maple St. †, â€Å"Man in Woods†and many others. His work â€Å"Brightview†has a woman whose back is turned to the audience but she seems to be holding a light towards the road. This is a two series photograph and has two light perspectives to it. The same goes for â€Å"Long Clumps of Beetles†and â€Å"Maple St. . With â€Å"Man in Woods†, I saw four photographs of the same title but again, it has the same subject but photographed in different lighting staged for the effect and perspective or angle. Gregory Crewdson has retained the â€Å"cinematic†feel of his photography from his first published work in 1995 through 2005. He makes use of elaborate and â€Å"pre-fixed†sets that reminds his audience of Hollywood type productions – only instead of film, the image and moment is captured in still photographs. In another interview with The Guardian, he said that all his photographs were shot during twilight; he revealed that â€Å"My photographs are about the moment of transition between before and after†¦ Twilight is evocative of that. There’s something magical about the condition. †The effect of his twilight shots amidst the backdrop of a set that blends in the dark hues of the night with semblances of dark purple, and dark blue, the effect is almost eerie and oftentimes, surreal. The emotion is always embedded with tension and the message one gets from looking or trying to make sense of his photographed images is one of an unfinished moment. It is the same feeling you get when you are watching a cliffhanger movie and then suddenly the movie stops a few seconds before the resolution of the conflict or tension. Gregory Crewdson’s photographed images also leaves a lot to the audience’ own personal imagination and interpretation. He iterated that he purposely leaves his images â€Å"unresolved†because these are moments that he sees and remembered from days past. These are â€Å"captured memories†that was kept hidden in his memories somewhere but that he could only remember flashes and specific instances – but not the entire picture, hence, the â€Å"unresolved†feeling of these images. The artist-photographer wants to keep it that way. In his photograph series entitled â€Å"Maple St. †, there is a car in the photograph that always seems to be in the middle of the street with a door wide open and lights are emanating from both within the cab and floodlights from the electric posts. In â€Å"Maple St. 1†, the car seems to be semi-parked in the road curving to the right. There seems to be a figure in the car and one of the doors is wide open. The tires on the back seems to be flat, and as always, darkness is creeping in and the glow of the light coming from the electric posts gives a creepy, foreboding feeling. There is a house nearby but there is no road ahead – the image looks likes a dead end street and huge trees dwarfs the car. It is actually remindful of scenes from serial killer movies when somebody is about to be killed – the â€Å"just before†moment. The tension is pervasive and the mood, â€Å"hanging†. The same tension appears in the 2nd installment of the â€Å"Maple St. series†of photographs. The angle and perspective is more from the right angle and the glow or flood of lights seems to be coming from above – like in Steven Spielberg’s movie, â€Å"The Close Encounter of the Third Kind†when the alien spacecraft was hovering about and lights flooded the side of the house. The same light effects were used and the feeling is surreal and anticipating of what is about to happen – again, the â€Å"just before†moment is captured in the image. Another photograph series that can be compared to the â€Å"Maple St. †series is that of â€Å"Man in the Woods†series. I saw series numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4. The 1st photograph of the series comprise of what appears to be the middle of the forest with a round white light emanating from the upper half of the woods glowing like a bright moon and its bright rays covering the entire image through the tall tress and foliage. There is a structure on the right side of the picture that appears to be aluminum or piece of reflective metal and it reflects back light from it. A figure is perched on the third step of a ladder facing the square aluminum or piece of metal. The figure is situated at the right hand corner of the picture. There is also one tall fallen tree that cuts across the image. Meanwhile, the 2nd of the series shows a different angle of the figure – still perched in the 3rd step of the ladder, but now the perspective is from the left side or middle left of the image, the square piece of aluminum or metal is still there. What is absent here is the moon like glow from the bright light in picture #1. The fallen tree is also present and the angle of the entire image is a bit further away from picture #1. There is a fog-like atmosphere in the entire image. The 3rd installment photograph has a perspective further away from the bright lights and the whole scene. Nowhere can you see the figure anymore or the square aluminum or the ladder. Not even the broken tree is present. It appears to be taken much further away from the 1st and 2nd images but it seems to be approaching these images. The 4th image consists of a car with its headlights on (bright) and the it illuminates what lies ahead of the car – which are mostly abandoned boxes surrounding a dug portion of the earth in the middle of the woods. The wood clearing which was illuminated (somewhat) by the headlights appear to an area that has been dug – it resembles a would be grave. The car is surrounded by tall tress and the thick foliage barely permits any other light to come through. The same creepy feeling is there and sense of foreboding that something is about to happen. All four installments of the series appear to be flashes of a movie scene. One take or scene after the other in the case of scene 1 to 3. But the fourth image seems to be a totally different scenario – although still in the woods, and the same â€Å"unfinished†or unconcluded†feeling is left with the viewer. Gregory Crewdson, like the personalities that have influenced him – Steven Spielberg and Cronenberg, Alfred Hitchcock and Twilight Zone, David Lynch and his psychoanalyst-father, all have left their indelible mark in the world of art and their specific or chosen realm. Gregory Crewdson refuses to be categorized into any particular genre. Lastly, his influence can also be continuously reappear as seen in his former students who have now created their own brand of thematic photography. But his mark and specific signature of â€Å"twilight themed†photographs have already made an indelible and distinct mark in the contemporary world of photography throughout the world.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
International Business research paper written in the JOURNAL STYLE Essay
International Business research paper written in the JOURNAL STYLE ARTICLE - Essay Example Indeed it dominates the market with its very affordable Haute Courte fashions for the girls and women on the move. It sells an average of 30 pairs of knickers a minute, 6,000 pairs of jeans a day and 35,000 pairs of shoes every week. â€Å"Topshop attracts women from their teens to the 40s searching for a weekly fashion idea†. (Topshop Website). While basically aiming at the female section, it also fashion lines for men as well as babies. It’s co-branding with Kate Moss, the famous Model earlier this year was a calculated move to give it a fresh thrust to move into the lucrative American and European markets, and it has since never looked back. It has 309 exclusive stores in the UK and numerous famous retailers across US and Europe offer it space at their outlets for a varied and extensive exposure. Indeed the first week’s sales at the UK outlets of the Kate Moss collection exceeded  £ 3 million, were beyond expectations and are going strong ever since. (Fashion United News). Celebrity names do have a positive impact on sales and profit figures and those especially from the world of fashion and entertainment, after sports, are engaged regularly by consumer product manufacturers and retailers. (Sarah Modlock). Consumers have favoured products sponsored or endorsed by celebrities and this is particularly true for apparel and accessories as people have a penchant to look good and thereby feel good. Introducing and aligning with Kate Moss by Topshop was a brilliant move and has paid handsomely. It is expected to improve the sagging bottom-line of the company and will be a grand success. Topshop is owned by Arcadia Group, which also owns British Home Stores, Miss Selfridges, Burtons, Dorothy Perkins and others, and the financial results for the group at the end September 2007 are as follows. It had a total sale of  £ 1.8 billion with profits of  £ 293.3
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Music Incorporation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Music Incorporation - Case Study Example The effect of the music, especially the Swat music, will instill pride in both natives of Bahrain and expatriates. The soothing rhythms of artists such as Ahmed Salmeen and Rashed Al Hemeli will make all people from Bahrain feel a unity. This is the aim of the documentary; to make natives and expatriates of Bahrain feel a togetherness. The whole point of this documentary is to show the usefulness of expatriates, thus allowing natives to accept them as equal citizens. I chose three songs that would fit in with this documentary. They are Yahia Omar Gal Ma shan and Inna Wajdi by Ahmed Salmeen and Mudhena Wa Laisa by Rashed Al Hemeli. The reasons for these particular songs would be the representation of Bahrain. These two artists are popular Swat musicians. My target audience, anyone from Bahrain over the age of sixteen interested in the contributions of expatriates, would be familiar with these songs and format. Swat is a mixture of Persian, Indian, and African blues type. It is very mellow and upbeat, which is the tone I want for my documentary. I begin researching popular music from Bahrain. Swat was just one type of music I found on the Internet. Bahrain natives listens to various types of music, but Swat is the type that best described the mood I needed to get across to my audience. I went to This had samples of Swat music. After listening to many samples of Swat artists, I chose Ahmen Salmeen and Rashed Al Hemeli. Their music was what I wanted to portray in my documentary. I mentioned three songs above, but both men have other selections I can chose as a backup if needed. The other reason I chose Swat is the Arabic influence. Bahrain is an Arabic country. Swat has the tone of the Imans' call for daily prayers. It is very moving for people with an Arabic background, or people who have chosen to live in the Middle East. The Swat music will make my documentary smoother. It will also hopefully make my audience more open to the message I am trying to send. Diary Entry To film this documentary I went to three diplomatic areas in Bahrain, filming around ten minutes. I went to the Bahrain Financial Harbor, the Ministry of Labor, and the Ministry of Education. While at these areas, I tried to film expatriates primarily. However, another focus was on expatriates and natives working together. At the Bahrain Financial Harbor, I filmed the outside of the beautiful building, before going in to film the expatriates. I interviewed several people, mostly men, but some women. After going to the Bahrain Financial Harbor, I went to the Ministry of Labor. Once again I filmed the outside, with people entry and leaving. I interviewed expatriates. I also decided to get some input from a few natives. All of the feedback I received was positive. Both expatriates and natives only had high regards for Bahrain. They portrayed Bahrain as a Middle Eastern country, but with all the amenities of the West. Finally, I went to the Ministry of Education. This stop helped me fil m more expatriates and natives working together. All together I filmed about an hour, which will be edited down to thirty minutes.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Film review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Film review - Essay Example In the review of this movie published in 1999, Washington Post staff writer Stephen Hunter claims that the movie is not worth all compliments it received from critics. He motivates his argument by the fact that this movie has nothing special in it. Moreover, he states that the movie is deprived of charm; it is totally empty and it is good only for those people who want to kill their time. Luckily, this opinion is not shared by mass audience and Run Lola Run is treated as a real masterpiece in cinematography. This huge popularity is achieved by the realization of most resent tendencies of postmodernism in the film. In fact, this movie is a game where the rules are known only to the director, and people discover them together with Lola. The opening scene only supports this suggestion. The movies as the beginning of the football match where the referee blows the whistle. Such a beginning can seen strange, but it explains the concept of the film. The director wants to play with people who watch the movie. Every separate episode is unique due to unexpected plot development. The director manages to depict the concept of fate and luck in all of them. In all cases, the chain of events is caused by numerous actions which took place at the same time. All people involved in the story have their specific roles. In many case, the actions are generated on the spot and nobody knows their consequences. At the same time, the change of a single action or decision cases the situation called butterfly effect. The whole chain of events becomes radically different. It shows that all events are linked together and any change bring many other changes after it. This game created by the director is very complicated. Unlike people who watch the movie, the director knows everything. All scenes contain all necessary props and start from the same actions. It is director who decides where the story goes. People who watch the movie can only guess about
Monday, August 26, 2019
Explain why the historical cost principle is used to account for Essay
Explain why the historical cost principle is used to account for long-lived assets and how the cost basis is determined. Discuss - Essay Example The GAAP mainly relies on consistency of data conveyed by business financial records. Since historical methods does not depend on the speculated market prices, rather a real transaction that occurred, the cost is regarded as most reliable. For this reason, the historical cost principle is best used for reporting long-lived assets. It is the best method for reporting assets whose disposal may not be done in the near future. Examples of these assets include land, buildings, fixture, equipment and natural resources such as mineral deposits, oil wells and timber tracks. Under the historical cost principle, assets are recorded at acquisition cost as indicated on the balance sheet. In accounting for purchases of long-term assets, interest expense is subtracted from the original cost or cost of acquisition. The book value of long-term assets can be calculated by getting the accumulated depreciation subtracted from acquisition cost. To estimate an asset’s useful life, important variab les such as acquisition cost, depreciation expense per year and salvage value should be determined. The following methods are used to estimate asset’s useful life; straight-line depreciation method, production method and double (declining) methods. Useful life can then be calculated as follows: Asset impairment Asset impairment refers to an abrupt deterioration in the usefulness of a long-term asset often caused by damage effects on the asset, obsolescence due to the ever-changing technology or a change in the county’s laws prohibiting the use of an asset. It occurs when the future benefit of an asset known as market value is below the recorded book value (cost-accumulated depreciation). When impairment occurs, the current market value of the asset should be written down and a loss recognized. First, long-lived assets are selected for purposes of performing impairment testing as well as establishing the net book value. Secondly, determine the level of impairment by fin ding the total undiscounted cash flows expected from the selected assets. The net book and the undiscounted cash flow figures are then compared with intent of establishing which of the values have higher figures. If the net book value is higher than the undiscounted cash flow value, then the amount of variance is determined and recorded. Common Asset Depreciation Methods Depreciation refers to two main concepts; i. Diminished value of assets also called fair value This principle or concept has an impact on the balance sheet of a firm or a business entity. ii. Depreciation with corresponding principle, which is the allocation of the asset cost to periods upon which that particular asset is in use. This affects the net gain of reported assets. It is worth noting that when computing depreciation using a particular method, the cost of an asset is allocated to that period the use of an asset covers or is used. The expense is vital for purposes of financial reporting and taxation. In choo sing a suitable method of computing depreciation, value of assets, the type and periods upon which the asset is used is important. These computing methods are specified in laws and statutes or accounting standards that vary from one country to another. It is important to note that some depreciation computing methods exists, but the common methods include; fixed percentage depreciation method, straight-line computing method and declining balance. It is also
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Discrimnation in medical care based on color and race Research Paper
Discrimnation in medical care based on color and race - Research Paper Example The first focuses on potential lack of general applicability of findings based on unrepresentative data gathered from race-biased samples, a concern which gains most of its force from implicitly or explicitly biological understandings of race. Of more concern to professionals who do not share that view, are the implications of racial disparity in clinical trials for the health of African-American patients (Mwaria, King); that Black patients are less likely to participate in research protocols makes them less likely to be among those first receiving the most advanced forms of medical intervention, and may contribute to general health inequality. In the 1990’s clinicians and researchers, backed by the Centers for Disease Control (Trubo 1994), The National Institutes of Health (NIH 1994) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA 1997), began to hunt for the â€Å"barriers†to African-American participation in clinical trials. Research concluded that the problem is complex and that patient beliefs, racist bias on the part of physicians and institutional and community constraints all play a role (King, Mwaria, Shavers-Hornaday, 1997). Despite the apparent complexity of the issue, much of this discussion centers primarily on African-American â€Å"distrust†of doctors and the healthcare system in general and clinical trials in particular(Corbie-Smith 1999, Dula, Friemuth 2001, Gamble, Shavers-Hornaday, , Thomas 1999, ), while a substantial number of papers argued that widespread credulity toward â€Å"conspiracy theories†among Black patients is a key component of their distrust and thus of their unwillingness to undergo experimental treatments. (Corbie-Smith , Friemuth, Simmons and Parsons, 1999, Thomas) Among the most outlandishâ€â€and well-analyzedâ€â€medical â€Å"conspiracy theories†are those concerning HIV/AIDS. Researchers have
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Bible As Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Bible As Literature - Essay Example It is also very rich in literary forms that can develop a student's appreciation and analysis of literature. The study of the bible can also help students practice their respect for each other's beliefs by analyzing the books within an impartial academic context that sets aside emotionality. Studying the bible can be very beneficial to students not only for learning about literature but also about life in general. Any legal or educational system builds its foundations from a set of moral values. In fact, Harvard, Yale and Princeton were schools established to teach young men to be pastors and America's children were once generally schooled with the Christian moral values that upheld respect for authority figures like parents and disapproval of sin. ("Cause and Effect," n.d.) Studying the bible as literature can help students identify, appreciate, and implement moral values that can be very beneficial not only to them but to the country itself. regarding the authenticity of the story of creation but the narration about the life of its characters provide clues as to how man had lived in the past. If the genealogy of its characters is to be examined, the bible's information dates back to 4223 years before Jesus Christ was born. (Petrie, n.d.) Its pages write about the culture and beliefs of people who lived through many different eras that can help students appreciate history. There is a great chance that more people have heard about the bible but not read it yet if one turns to the printed text as a shaper of reading, one can truly go further. (Norton, 2000, p. 78) People frequently read the bible in religious perspective yet many artistic forms of writing abound in it. The bible is rich in similes, metaphors, metonymy, synecdoche, personification, anthropomorphism, apostrophes, ironies, hyperboles, euphemisms, litotes, pleonasm, ellipses, zeugma, aposiopesis, allegories, riddles, symbols, narratives, tragedies, poetry, parallelisms, oratories, epistles, etc. Throughout the books of the bible, students can read many samples of literary forms that can help hone their skills in analysis of literature. ("Literary Forms in the bible," n.d.) Studying the bible as literature can help students appreciate their religious differences without emotional involvement. Many different religions have interpreted the bible in their own perspectives and these analyses have even lead to the birth of many other religious sects. Should the bible be studied for its moral values and literary form, students can learn to respect diversity because the books are treated academically instead of spiritually which can be very personal. Teaching Through the bible One of the problems encountered by some students today reveals some professors who cannot help themselves from using the course on bible literature to impose their own religious beliefs. The bible must remain as a learning tool by ensuring that professors are impartial to it. The National Council on Bible Curriculum's web site
Friday, August 23, 2019
English Schools Foundation in Mainland China Case Study
English Schools Foundation in Mainland China - Case Study Example e feasibility and profitability of establishing an English Schools Foundation (ESF) school in Mainland China especially in the emerging cities in Mainland China. China is now a super power. It is the country with the largest population in the world. Due to her advance in the industrial field, Chinese products are today flooding the markets in every part of the globe. To catch foreign markets, a knowledge of English is essential. The present standard of English is very low. The people now desperately want to study foreign languages because proficiency in them is a must if they want to retain their leadership and sell their products in other countries. The simplest and most natural solution is to start international schools. English Schools Foundation ('ESF' the abbreviation will continue to be used in the text) is one of the renowned international schools in Hong Kong. ESF is the largest international school in Hong Kong operating 19 schools at different locations including kindergartens, primary, secondary and one for Special Needs. The target markets are the native English-speaking children and also non-English speaking children who are unable to go to a local educational system due to lack of Chinese language ability. All ESF schools are subsidized by the Hong Kong government and operate independently with a Head Office - ESF Centre which oversee all ESF schools and governed by the Education & Manpower Bureau of the Hong Kong government. Within the last three years, ESF had opened two new private independent schools in Hong Kong which are run privately by ESF without government subvention and the governance of the Hong Kong Government. (, 2008) On the other hand, there is a huge contrasted phenomenon in the emerging cities like Shanghai,...The simplest and most natural solution is to start international schools. English Schools Foundation ('ESF' the abbreviation will continue to be used in the text) is one of the renowned international schools in Hong Kong. ESF is the largest international school in Hong Kong operating 19 schools at different locations including kindergartens, primary, secondary and one for Special Needs. The target markets are the native English-speaking children and also non-English speaking children who are unable to go to a local educational system due to lack of Chinese language ability. All ESF schools are subsidized by the Hong Kong government and operate independently with a Head Office - ESF Centre which oversee all ESF schools and governed by the Education & Manpower Bureau of the Hong Kong government. Within the last three years, ESF had opened two new private independent schools in Hong Kong which are run privately by ESF without government subvention and the governance of the Hong Kong Government. (, 2008) On the other hand, there is a huge contrasted phenomenon in the emerging cities like Shanghai, Beijing and some other cities that consist of a booming group of middle-class Chinese, expatriates, local Chinese, etc.
Violence in Prisons Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Violence in Prisons - Research Paper Example Their situation is made worse by the fact that they are placed in confined environments in their hundreds while the manpower to watch over them is hugely outnumbered. Within the inmate population there is therefore high prevalence of violence incidences. Inmates also experience violence from the guards and vice versa. Prison violence therefore is not a surprising phenomenon not only in the United States but also in the rest of the world. This paper shall therefore elaborate on the different types of prison violence, reasons for this violence and the various solutions to solving prison violence menace. Byrne et al. (2008) state that prison violence comes in various forms namely violence of a prisoner towards another prisoner, prisoner violence on officers and officers violating prisoners. Prisoners in the United States have for a long time developed a gang rule culture which is attributed to be the biggest cause of prisoner violence on a fellow prisoner. Gangs have been seen have a form of territorial control in prisons where members of gangs have better access to facilities and inherent protection rights from gang members. These gangs recruit people to join them where there are rituals while joining which are not necessarily as rosy considering the privileges that accompany their membership in the harsh prison environment. Incidences of sexual harassment and rape have been reported as quite common during recruitment (Jones and Pratt, 2008). It also important to note that in a single prison there can be a number of gangs which obviously compete for the available privileges and res ources, for example the cells to occupy and the kind of chores to engage in. This competition breeds violent acts towards members of other gang members. This escalates the prevalence of prisoner to prisoner violence. In cases of extreme violent conducts prisoners even murder
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Flags of Our Fathers Essay Example for Free
Flags of Our Fathers Essay Context: Flags of our Fathers was a bit of change for Eastwood. The movie is about the famous photograph of the raising of the flag on Iwo Jima by soldiers. Eastwood wanted to show war at its most brutal and that is what he created. Audience: People who like war or action movies and who are interested in war. Mostly for young adults and above. Purpose: The purpose of this film is to entertain the audience. Brief synopsis of text: Flags of our Fathers is about 3 soldiers who raised the U. S. flag on Iwo Jima along with 3 other soldiers who recently died in battle. So the 3 soldiers were taken out of battle and sent back to the U.S. and were classed as heroes because of the most famous image of the raising of the U.S. flag in Iwo Jima and the government made them as heroes to the public to promote selling war bonds. But the 3 soldiers didnt believe they were heroes at all. Ideas relevant to Journeys: In Flags of our Fathers, the 3 men who were taken out of battle and were known as heroes by the public and the government used them to promote war bonds did not regard themselves as heroes. They didnt believe to be heroes but the public did. This shows from the publics imaginative journeys is that they are thinking of how these men, who are known as heroes to survive such a brutal battle and to be in the most famous photograph in U.S. history. The photograph that they show isnt them in the image, they were the soldiers who placed the replacement flag on top of the mountain. But no one knows that. In the first scene or at the beginning of the film, we see a soldier running through a battlefield that has been torn to pieces and keeps hearing a voice. He looks around everywhere to see where this voice is coming from. Then the camera zooms in on the soldiers face and suddenly it was just a dream. The effect of the close-up shot of his face creates a feeling of being involved and the man was afraid of something. We are then taken to a scene where a old age person has woken up to his dream and is sweating and shaking just like if you had a nightmare. This is related to imaginative journeys because the man is having a dream of the past where he was at war. He is remembering and reflecting on the time he was at war and gets woken up by it. In his dream he was afraid, when he woke up from his dream he was sweating and shaking. A dream is a journey through the mind. The lighting of this scene creates a wiry and dark feeling to the viewers who see a lone soldier looking through a torned battlefield hearing a voice in the distance. This is creating suspense through the use of colours and shadows and gets the viewer imagining what is going to happen next. Suddenly we hear a loud sound which was probably a gun been fired and then we are taken to a scene where an old man is woken up. We now notice it was a dream. The man still thinks about upon this day. So the viewers are now imagining what had happened on that day. Was the man wounded or did a person who we couldnt see got shot. We never know until we see what happens in the film. This creates suspense in the audience. Techniques used to present relevant ideas: 1. Use of suspense to keep the audience entertain throughout the film. From the first scene the viewers had no idea it was a dream until they see the old man waking up from that particular dream, sweating and shaking. The scene creates suspense to get the viewers thinking and imagining what is going to happen next which is based on imaginative journeys because the audience is thinking beyond what has happened to the man at that particular time of that dream we saw. 2. The use of lighting in the first scene was very dull and dark. It created a wiry looking scene of a torn battlefield with a lone soldier walking around. We hear voices in the distance which creates more suspense. Dark lighting from this scene can represent an old memory which should have been forgotten at the time the man had the dream. 3. Use of dramatic irony is also used in this film which is something that the audience knows but the characters dont know of. But in this film, its the other way round, the lone soldier in the beginning scene knows what is happening and is afraid but the audience doesnt know whats happening. All we know of is that it was a dream from his past memories. As I said, it creates suspense to keep the audience entertain throughout the film and this is based on imaginative journeys because we have witnessed a scene where is was a dream and a journey through the mind of past memories. Links to set text in terms of ideas and techniques: Flags of our Fathers can be linked with Othello by the use of some of the techniques used in the film such as dramatic irony. In Othello we know that Iago has planned to get Othello thinking that Desdemona is having an affair with Cassio. The audience knows already what is happening but Othello doesnt know that Iago is planning something. From the film, it is the other way round where the lone soldier in the scene knows what is having but the audience is kept in suspense and have to find out later what happens to him from that particular scene which was a journey through the mind or a dream. In Othello the audience is kept in suspense when Iago keeps his plan going well by telling Othello that Desdemona is with Cassio. The audience doesnt know what is going to happen next same as in the scene of the dream in Flags of our Fathers. In the film the audience is kept in suspense from the very first scene where the lone soldier is walking through a torned battlefield and we see he is afraid. Then we are taken to a scene where an old man has woken from this dream. We are then kept in suspense by this scene because the audience wants to know what happens next and they stay and watch the film to see what has happened after he had woken up from his memory of the war. Both Othello and Flags of our Fathers display both suspense and irony to keep their audience entertained and kept in suspense through the use of lighting, irony and imaginative journeys. The audience imagine in their minds what is going to happen next. In mostly all plays and films, everyone in the audience wants to know what will happen next and will stay to watch to see what happens. If there was no suspense or irony, it would be pointless to stay and watch because the audience would know what has happened. Without imagining, we dont know anything. So both of these texts display imaginative journeys.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions Theory
Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions Theory In the past decade of increased globalization and diversity, business across borders has increased. Although cross border business faces a lot of challenges not only from the political and socio economic paradigm but also from culture (Porter, 1990). National culture has gained importance, as it is significant in managing global operations. Multinational business strategy research has long acknowledged the importance of national cultural characteristics as determinants of management behavior (Cheng, 1989; Rosenweig and Singh, 1991). So now, what is culture? It is true that no two human would know the same things but they often have great deal of knowledge in common. This common knowledge or collective memory to a large extent make people work together, communicate and live together. This forms communities and if shared among enough people in a country, its characteristics are called national culture. The common knowledge constitutes one of the elements which make national culture uni que (The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, 2nd edition, revised and updated, by E. D. Hirsch, Jr., and James Trefil, is reviewed). There are a lot of theories that attempt to explain culture like the ones proposed by Fons Trompenaar, 1993; Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck, 1961, Edward T.Hall but Geert Hofstedes Cultures consequences has been remarkably influential and his work has provided the foundation for many studies on, intercultural relations (Hart, 1999), cross-cultural management control systems design (Harrison McKin- non, 1999), international business research (Chandy Williams, 1994), and psychology (Baskerville, 2003; Oyserman, Coon, Kem- melmeier, 2002; Schimmack, Oishi, Diener, 2005; Triandis, 2004), most often seeking to determine how differences on cultural dimensions (i.e., power distance, individualism, uncertainty avoidance, and masculinity) impacted work related values and behavior. (National Culture, Leadership and Citizenship: Implications for Cross-cultural Management, p 78) According to Geert Hofstede the culture is defined as collective programming of mind and explains that it lies between human nature on one side and individual personality on the other (Hofstede, 1991). Hofstedes cultural framework has been applied in a wide variety of contexts and his work has gained great support and is of prime importance to many researchers in various disciplines. As stated by Baskerville, Cultures Consequences demonstrates an average of 94 citations per annum in the last 18 years. Part of this level of usage appears to reflect efforts of researchers unaware of debates concerning the legitimacy of Hofstedes dimensions (R.F.Baskerville, 2003). So huge is the acceptance of hofstedes work. Geert Hofstede an expert of studies in culture from Netherland developed a cross- culture model. The five dimensions of culture are defined as follows Power Distance: the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions (like the family) expect and accept that power is distributed unequally (Hofstede, 1991: 28; Hofstede Peterson, 2000: 401). Uncertainty Avoidance: intolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity (Hofstede, 1991: 113; Hofstede Peterson, 2000: 401). Individualism versus Collectivism: the extent to which individuals are integrated into groups (Hofstede, 1991: 51; Hofstede Peterson, 2000: 401). Masculinity versus Femininity assertiveness and competitiveness versus modesty and caring (Hofstede, 1991: 82-3, 1998b; Hofstede Peterson, 2000: 401) (McSweeney, 2002) Hofstede defined culture as a Collective programming of mind, his concept of culture promotes an image of the individual as merely a passive carrier of a predetermined cultural template (Ailon, 2007; Ailon -Souday Kunda, 2003). As much as Hofstedes work has been universally accepted as I was researching I came across a number of critics for his work (e.g Galit Ailon (2008); R.F.Baskerville (2003); McSweeney (2002)). It was then it dawned on me the validity of the theory that even I had used in my graduate dissertation like an unquestionably acceptable principle. As G.Ailon (2008) stated it is not he (Hofstede), the individual, who is of interest here; instead,the discursive practices that governed his text that predominated and ran through him (Foucault, 1972: 139)that are of interest. So here I am going to critically evaluate his theory within a certain degree of my personal understanding of it although heavily relying on the articles of McSweeney and Galit ailon. A significant aspect of national culture research of Hofstede is the transparency with which he related the cultural dimensions with other studies of country or national differences for the purposes of making international comparisons. Each of the dimensions of index was compared to seven other national measurements: GNP, latitude, economic growth, population size and growth, population density and organization size. So the socio economic data used by him does describe cultural dimension rather the historical origins of nations. (R.F.Baskerville, 2003). His study comes to show that a nations attributes are culturally influenced. And most of the critiques have remarkably questioned the simplest of facts that many have failed to think. As Mikael Sondergaard puts it , most of the debate on hofstedes work has been on the following aspects of his study: surveys are inappropriate instruments to measure culture unit of analysis of nations is not the best unit suited for studying culture One company cannot provide information about the entire nations culture IBM data is old and obsolete Four dimensions cant tell the whole story ( I am going to be discussing the above mentioned in detail now, though Hofstedes work has entailed substantial contribution in the field of cultural studies there are some pertinent issues that leaves doubt on the validity of the typology produced by him. It is not possible for national culture to be uniform, there is considerable diversity. An assumption of a homogeneous culture can only be made by assuming that culture is coherent, pure, stable, and nothing external like other cultures and non cultural factors influence a national culture.(McSweeney, Forthcoming) Which is hard to believe in reality because when a number of cultures and subcultures co-exist it is impossible for it remain independent and completely uninfluenced by the other. Otherwise we have to consider cultures as being tough enough to withstand any attempts to change them. Some of the issues are discussed in the due course. The surveys were the backbone of the study. The surveys were carried out on 40 IBM subsidiaries around the world between 1964 and 1973 and used about 117000 questionnaires. Most of the researchers state that a survey is not an appropriate instrument for accurately determining and measuring cultural disparity. This is especially apparent when the variable being measured is a value which culturally sensitive and subjective (Schwartz, 1999). Two surveys were carried out and results are a combination of responses from both the surveys. A closer examination revealed that not all questionnaires were used and that the average number per country was small and sometimes evens a minuscule. In only six countries () the number of respondents were more than 1000 and in Pakistan was only 70 The narrowness of the Hofstede surveyed research population radically compounds the scale problem (McSweeney, 2002). This leads to a doubt in the statistical integrity of the results obtained from the survey. A s Schwartzs (1992) puts it that one cannot derive the normative ideals of a culture from the average of individual responses (p. 51). The PD (Power distance) index was based on three questions in the IBM questionnaire. The first question was a five point scale , and it asked how frequently in their experience employees were afraid of expressing disagreement with their managers and second and third questions asked about their preferred leadership style (autocratic, persuasive, consultative, and democratic) and the style that closely matched their boss. G.Ailon (2008) states that in each stage of the research process an attempt of neutralization is visible. This begins with the standardized uniform questionnaire that has been used worldwide. In effect, how- ever, uniformity was, meant ot direct respondents in the paths determined by a Western, managerially oriented research team. The questionnaire coerced a western axis of comparison on non-western cultures. It had a egalatarian portrayal of western culture and ignored racial and colonial inequalities and defined racial power distance under uncertainity avoidance. Th is fact, enabled a country like South Africa due to apartheid to be represented in the sample by white respondents only whether partial in terms of population sample, questionnaire content, or both, it constituted a political act that, however unwittingly, neutralized racism and colonialism by excluding them from measurement.Hofstede also tried to neutralize certain aspects of the dimension by universalisation, stating that Hierarchial inequality is something we inevitably find, the essence of organsation and so the choices given on the questionnaire was already based on the notion of its universal inevitability thereby trapping the respondent in an invisible way to positively answer the neutrality and inevitability of the managerial power.(G.Ailon, 2008).Though they had choices , and their answers did vary, these were again manipulated and labeled in such a way that hofstede tried to expropriate the meaning of the answers from his respondents, claiming, in so many words, that anyth ing they said proves his point-using their voices to turn his hypotheses into axioms (G.Ailon, 2008). The large power distance in France and Belgium (which were exceptions in Nordic, Anglo, Germany) he attributed to the cultural inheritance of Roman empire, likewise the small power distance in Pakistan he attributes to their Islamic religious background and belief that all are equal in the eyes of god. He used such exemptions to justify his claim that small PD countries are economically developed, large PD countries are less developed or developing.(Ailon.G, 2002). It emphasizes that those from small power-distance cultures are likely to accept responsibility, while those from large power-distance cultures are likely to be more disciplined (Triandis, 1993) The Uncertainty Avoidance (UA) index was based on three questions again and they were related to the frequency of nervousness and tension at work, the second was How long do you think you will continue working for this company? Please indicate the extent to which you personally agree or disagree . . . [that] company rules should not be bro- ken- even when the employee thinks it is in the companys best interest (Hofstede, 1980:76 -77, 405, 408 409). Hofstedes book states those in weak uncertainty-avoidance cultures may be very high in basic innovations, while those in strong uncertainty-avoidance cultures may triumph in precision manufacturing. (Triandis, 1993) Though Hofstede admits that better indicators could have been developed in ascertaining the UA, because it wasnt a familiar concept when they developed the IBM questionnaires, he very strongly and emphatically links a high UA to a number of socio-psychological tendencies. (G.Ailon, 2008) low UA, for example, is suggested to result from advanced modernization; older democracies; dense populations in poor countries and sparse populations in wealthy countries; tolerant religions that stress relativity; historical events marked by less legislation and more settlement of disputes by negotiation and/or conflict, as opposed to mere inheritance of developed systems of legislation; low mean age of population leaders; and smaller organizations (1980: 185). The suggested consequences of low UA include slower economic growth after World War II, weaker nationalism, less aggressiveness versus other nations, looser societies, stronger feelings of citizen competence, a casuistic approach to legal is sues, a stronger accent on lay competences as expressed by having more nurses per doctor, more religious tolerance, pragmatic or introvert meditative religions, rel- ativism, empiricism rather than theoricism in social sciences, more ambitious employees, managers who are more involved in strategy issues, and so forth (1980: 186-187). He is just forcing people to envision a world where everything is interconnected through simple logic (G.Ailon, 2002). At a point Hofstede states people from lower UAI cultures will tend to do better in cross-cultural contacts (1980: 398), I doubt this as it is something that is related to individuals personal communication skills and doesnt matter if he were from a country with a low UA index. Hofstede justifies the power of managers with a western background that they have a low UA and Small PD and so they are most suited for strategic and cross cultural management. So is that only the western managers have this skill which they imbibed from culture a nd their counterparts around the world lack this vital skill. (G.Ailon, 2008) The Individualism (IDV) index was based on work goal questions in which the respondents were asked to rate the importance of a variety of statements, in which high IDV were attributed to giving importance to doing a job leaving out personal and leisure time and, low IDV were attributed to having good physical skills and training opportunities at work. These tried to assess a person independence from organization and second to assess what the individual expected from the organization. (G.Ailon, 2008) As McSweeney put it power distance and individualism and collectivism were statistically identified by him only in nationally averaged data. At the level of individuals, they had near- zero inter-correlations (Bond, 2002; Schwartz, 1994) for those dimensions and thus no explanatory power at that level. Hofstede states that those from high-collectivism cultures may show employee commitment, while members of organizations from high-individualism cultures can profit from management mobility . Hofstedes book states that those from cultures high in femininity may be able to provide personal services, custom-made products, and be especially successful in biochemistry, while those in masculine cultures may excel in mass production, efficiency, heavy industry, and bulk chemistry; The masculinity index like the IDV was also based on work goal question and it attempted to measure the extent to which respondents endorsed ego goals (related to earnings and advancement) and social goals (related to cordial relations at work place and a friendly atmosphere). This index is based on the universal dissection relating to sexual character and goals, in which men are more assertive and tough and women are more nurturing and Tender. He states that the distribution of labor is affected by the goals of the organization. This according to me is true but he also goes to say that business organizations have goals of achievement which relates to the masculine index and it is not surprising they are run by men and their climate is set by men, which I as a girl would detest. Not just from a point of defending my own sex but from the common world examples, A study organized by the Finnish Business and Policy stated, Companies managed by women are on average ten per cent more profitable than those with a man as CEO. The study was conducted on atleast 14000 limited liability finish companies in 2003. ( Even in a country like US which has a fairly good masculinity index of 62, You have companies form the fortune 500 like yahoo, pepsico, New York Times and Kraft foods that are run by women ceos so it doesnt necessarily mean one has to be a man to be the big boss. Though national culture is not theorized as the only culture or a totality of cultures, within a nation, but by definition it culturally distinguishes the members of one nation from another. (McSweeney, 2002). Hofstede says that each country has a unique culture. I would slightly differ from that opinion, because that sort of unique cuture may be attributed to the cultural heritage and aspects like performing arts that may vary from country to country uniquely but on the basis of individual attitude and behavior it seems a little irrelevant. If you take India for example, it is culturally diverse and it does have numerous subcultures but the attitude and behaviors differ so widely even inside a subculture. Hofstede states that National culture is said to be carried by all individuals in a nation (1980a: 38) or a central tendency (1991: 253). The IBM survey responses within each country were characterized by radical differences. This now leaves doubt on his assumptions of national culture as being same in all individuals in a nation. He assumed that the average tendency of the IBM employees responses as the national representative. There seems to be no valid reason to prove it due to the complete ignorance on the background of those interviewed, who mostly well educated, middle class The samples for his study was exclusively from a single company called IBM. A study fixated on only one company cannot possibly provide information on the entire cultural system of a country (Graves 1986, 14-15; Olie 1995, 135; SÃ ¸ndergaard 1994, 449). The responses were also from only the marketing and sales executives of the company for which Hofstede claimed they shared the same organizational culture as that of all the other employees of IBM. The cultures carried by each respondent are effectively assumed to be three exclusively non-interacting and durable cultures: the organizational, an occupational, and the national. He assumes there is only one IBM culture and not cultures, which, as it were, possesses all employees and every occupation has a common worldwide occupational culture (McSweeney, 2002). Furthermore, McSweeney also evidences Hofstedes blind assumption that every individual in the company had the same organizational and occupational culture regardless of the commi tment and loyalty each individual had to his organization and also the duration of service by the employee to the organization which are all factors that lead to the bond that an employee creates overtime with the organization he works for. Though after a few years Hofstede did acknowledge that there is a variety of distinct cultures within and between units of the same organization and also redefined his statement on organizational culture so his assumption made in the first study wouldnt be invalidated (McSweeney, 2002). It is not known if the factors he redefined are supposed to be self evident. Regarding occupational culture, as McSweeney puts it, Hofstede assumes that members of a single occupation around the world share the same occupational culture. Clarification regarding his acknowledgement of cultural heterogeneity in organizations is needed i.e. it lacks clarity. Another instance where we might raise a brow is authenticity of replies by the questionnaire respondents, thou gh the answers were confidential, the respondents prior knowledge of the end purpose of the survey might have influenced their answers so as to improve theirs or their divisions position (McSweeney, 2002). Yet hofstedes reliance on his supposition that the answers are immune to respondents gaming and were the pure outcomes of unconscious pre-programmed values (1980a,1991; Hofstede Peterson, 2000). Another aspect is the comprehensiveness of the questionnaire to elicit all the necessary inputs to assess a culture. As McSweeney stated in any circumstance the IBM subsidiary had many nationally atypical characteristics. When initially IBM had centralized control and its US ownership during a period in which foreign direct investment was comparatively new. In instances where working for high technology was rare in third world countries like Bangladesh and India than in an industrialized nation like United states. What happens when countries are integrated, for instance the integration of Hongkong into the Peoples Republic of China (McSweeney, 2002).Does the national characterization change? Does the attitude and behavior of people at work place change immediately? Do we immediately consider a nation with a larger sample to portray the national culture of two countries? Political influences and social institutions, law are the non cultural feature that influence culture in a large way and that Hofstede excludes and denies having a link with national culture. For example, Christmas was once illegal in England, during 1647, during which singing Christmas carols could end a person in prison for almost six months but it was later reinstated in 1660. Dont you think this must have has an obvious effect on the culture (mental programming) that children born and raised in that 22 year period developed. Though this is dated way before the study was undertaken I have quoted it as an example to say there might have been other consequences that might have likely influenced any cultural feature. Hofstede might acknowledge these as exceptions but they have to considered when drawing conclusions about a nations culture. Has Hofstede really identified all the primary cultural level dimensions? Many others like Schwartz have tried to identify some national cultures using different questionnaires and have produce very different descriptions. In fact Schwartz(1994) found seven cultural level dimensions which indeed was acknowledged by Hofstede as simply not being identified because questions related to those dimensions /descriptions were not asked in his survey. Hofstede gave a bipolarity to each of his dimensions for example the individualism and collectivism , but as Triandis (1994) puts it , the two can coexist and are simply emphasized more or less depending on the situation. But Hofstedes dimensions do not consider such co-existence and blindly ignores such important cultural qualities.(McSweeney forthcoming) Another obvious flaw I found on the credibility of his typology is his addition of the fifth dimension: Confucian Dynamism (1991) or long versus short-term orientation'(1999). He extracted this from a Chinese Values Survey (CVS) by the Chinese culture connection group which identified hofstedes fourth dimension (Uncertainty avoidance) as irrelevant to their population and downgraded it to a non universal dimension.(Bond,1988;lowe Oswick,1996).As stated by Mcsweeney(2002) from the wide literature of culture , it is still essentially a thing to be grasped and cannot be described by dimensions and units. Another consideration advanced by researchers is if Hofstedes model reflects the present day (Roberts and Boyacigiller, 1984; Sondergaard, 1994). Hofstede (1980a, 1991) assumes that cultural values are stable over time. But is his work out of date after thirty years? Hofstede claims to have identified entire nations culture and not that which is specific to workplaces (McSweeney, 2002) and Producers of scientific knowledge, it seems, not only misrepresent the Rest (the primary emphasis of postcolonial writing; e.g., Said, 1978) but also misrepresent the West. (G.Ailon, 2008) There is no denial that Hofstedes work has given substantive findings. His findings do tap some of underlying significance of nations culture. However interpreting them and using it to deal with other nations requires a certain degree of caution. Hopefully, these findings eventually lead to a valid measure that captures the richness of the various cultural dimensions and can be deployed at an individual level. Given the diversity of the world marketplace, it is essential for marketers have a proper measure of culture in order to understand consumer behavior. (Blodgett et al, 2008) As McSweeney puts it Hofstedes research can legitimately be called a cross-national opinion comparison only from the point that data from organizations in different countries were compared Culture is conceptualized as a force, as a determinant, but descriptions of it are based on analysis answers to fixed-choice questions.(McSweeney, forthcoming), which I think were manipulative enough (even if it wasnt in certain cases, they were justified by researcher to correlate with his findings) to extract the desired answers of the researcher. It was argued that what Hofstede identified is not national culture, but an averaging of situational specific opinions from which dimensions or aspects of national culture are unjustifiably inferred. Hofstedes claim to have empirically measured national culture differences relies on crucial but unwarranted assumptions. (Mc Sweeney, forthcoming). Hofstede has given bipolarity to each dimensions for example his masculinity and Femininity any culture will present a number of contrary adages (All good things come to those who wait and time and tide wait for none as a part of its repertoire (Mcsweeney, 2002) Hofstede miserably failed to identify that theses bipolarities could co-exist in any situation. Hofstedes replies to McSweeney were evasive and non-adhering to the main aspect of the critique. As G.Ailon (2008) put is If one accepts the framework, it basically follows that one must also accept the logic of the critique. Generalizations about national culture are no good. Him identifying a nations culture with the responses from a very small sample in each country (compared to the countrys population except for those 6 countries with more than 1000 respondents), and also using the questionnaires that werent created purely for research purpose is a very visible flaw. He tried to expropriate the meaning of the answers from his respondents, claiming, in so many words, that anything they said proves his point and used their voices to turn his hypotheses into axioms (G.Ailon, 2008) The analysis throws light on the dominance of western theories, regardless of intentions, it reinforces a certain set of values of managers, Westerners, Europeans while at the same time devaluing the Rest. Though he tried to compensate and praise the east by adding his fifth dimension. I would say Hofstede tried to provide like a Single Magical formula (Elman Service, 1968:409) and easily valued culture using statistics and scientific stamps and Xs and Ys. Just so that this would allow research to be completed more quickly and easily through employment of his prefabricated depictions of causal national culture. This actually in my view devalues culture that has a myriad of ethos. His employment of very unusually sophisticated statistical techniques in the late 1970s probably were a reason for his models legitimacy (Oyserman et al. 2002a, for an overview) To conclude, from what I infer from all the readings, more research is needed to give a tough measure of culture and also identify the shifting cultural maps which is greatly influenced by, and influences, globalization and technology, however this is difficult to achieve and may have temporal value due to the dynamic nature of culture. References: McSweeney, Brendan. (2002) Hofstedes Model of National Cultural Differences and Their Consequences: A Triumph of Faith a Failure of Analysis. Human Relations. 55, no. 1: 89-118. Ailon, Galit. (2008) Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Cultures Consequences in a Value Test of Its Own Design. Academy of Management Review. 33, no. 4: 885-904. 3. Blodgett,Jeffrey, Aysen Bakir, and Gregory Rose. 2008. A Test of the Validity of Hofstedes Cultural Framework. Journal of Consumer Marketing. 25, no. 6: 339-349 Baskerville, Rachel. (2003) Hofstede Never Studied Culture. Accounting, Organizations Society. 28, no. 1: 1-14. Testa, Mark. (2009) National Culture, Leadership and Citizenship: Implications for Cross-cultural Management. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28(1): 78-85. Jones, M. (2007) Hofstede Culturally questionable?. Oxford Business Economics Conference. Oxford, UK, 24-26. Triandis, H. (1993) Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. Geert Hofstede. , 38(1), 132-134. In my opinion Mikael SÃ ¸ndergaard on Cultural differences by Mikael SÃ ¸ndergaard.Available:, (Accessed:2009, December 27) McSweeney, Brendan. (Forthcoming) Dynamic Diversity: Variety and Variation Within Countries , 1-25.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Main Sources Of Resistance To Organizational Change Management Essay
Main Sources Of Resistance To Organizational Change Management Essay Change is inevitable for modern organizations and increasing rapidly in the world due to internal and external triggers (Refer to Appendix 1) (Buchanan and Huczynski, 2010). For survival, organizations must be able to anticipate change and keep reconfiguring themselves as it is critical determinant for their success although it has difficulty and challenges. Organizations that wait for an overwhelming mandate to engage in change efforts are very likely to be left behind and may struggle to survive (Lawler and Worley, 2009). For example, Nokia has already been through one successful change; turning itself from an unfocused conglomerate into a focused mobile phone producer in the 1990s. But, lack of accountability, poor leadership and complacency those came from mobile phone success has caused less competitive in the market due to customer transition from mobile phone to smart-phone (Riley, 2012). According to Nauss (1999), Jacques Nasser, Ford Motors CEO also argued that any business that is satisfied with the present state of affairs is deluding itself. Sitting still or moving at a snails pace is effectively moving backward. Organizational change must be based on intention and goal-oriented and come from within the organization to be effective (See Figure 1 and 2) according Cumming and Worley (Hellriegel, Slocum and Woodman, 2001).It also need very careful assessment of individual and organizational capacity for change since they are potential resistance to change. In this report, we will first discuss various causes for resistance to change from those who affected positively or negatively using Arthur Bedeians four common causes for resistance to change, Kotter and Schlesingers six practical techniques to overcome these resistances and Kurt Lewins 3 phase change management model. 2.0 Resistance to Organization Change Buchanan and Huczynski (2010) define resistance to change is unwillingness or an inability to accept or discuss changes that are perceived to be damaging or threatening to individual. Carr et al also claim that its significance can be measured by those affected perceive and react to it (Salawu, 2011). As a result, change efforts are often found resisted by individuals and groups overtly and covertly due to their negative perceptions to some extent. Hellriegel, Slocum and Woodman (2001) suggest a variety of sources of resistance in Figure 3 (Detail in Appendix 2). To overcome resistance to change, managers and employees must understand its reasons and sources. Arthur Bedeian cites four common causes for resistance to change (Buchanan and Huczynski, 2010). 2.1 Parochial self interest Individuals are so comfort and content with their current situation and they fear that any change in organization may threaten their vested interests. It is one of major reason that people resist organizational change. According to Desler (2004), there are 4 types of organizational change: its strategy, technology, structure and employees. Structural change requires reorganizing organizational chart involving replacing, dismissing or adding personnel (Salawu, 2011). When this situation comes, employees fear to lose their existing positions. E.g. Current Burmese government involves liberal and conservative. Reorganization needs for democratic change process. It is good and can improve the status of its people, but most conservatives fear reorganization as they think that it is a threat to their status quo and interests. For these reasons, Burmas change processes encounter resistance longer time than desired and resulted as a poor country. 2.2 Misunderstanding and lack of trust Buchanan and Huczynski (2010) suggest lack of understanding the reasons and consequences can create resistance to change because it might cost them more than what they will gain. Such misunderstandings most likely occur where there is lack of trust between manager and employees. My former Singapore based Japanese construction announced to his managers an implementation of a flexible 5 days work for all site staffs. No managers resisted because they were introduced the concept of that change in management meeting. Shortly after circulating announcement, various resistances arise from site staffs who do not understand and trust the meaning of flexible working days. One rumor is that they might need to work extra hours in the evening. They were not satisfied with management decision at the beginning. According to Kotter and Schlesinger (1997), only few organizations have a high level of trust between employees and managers. So, it is easy to develop misunderstandings when organizational change is introduced. If managers do not clarify them in time, this can lead to resistance. 2.3 Contradictory assessments Another reason people resist to change is evaluation of costs and benefits differently. According to Buchanan and Huczynski (2010), it is the result of poor communication and inadequate information that causes contradictory assessments. But such resistance to change may lead to constructive criticism and improved proposals to achieve better outcomes since people have different perceptions and knowledge. E.g. My previous project director of Construction Company was shocked by his design team members who made value engineering of structural column. Although this value engineering can achieve design requirement while saving cost, he thought that it can damage the companys reputation. So he didnt allow the design proposal submission to owners consultant. He had reorganized the design team immediately that caused resistance from the people involved. As a result, company lost two good designers and crippled the design team. Different people have different skills and knowledge that may lead to resistance. For the above case, design team has more skill and knowledge than director. And resistance resulted from reorganization will be good for companys future. Low tolerance for change Buchanan and Huczynski (2010) suggest that people respond to change and uncertainty in different ways. Some are more readily to accept and adapt to changes. Others may have a low tolerance to adapt to changes since they have different abilities compared to others. Drucker (2010) also argue that the managers are the major obstacle for organizational growth since they are unable to change their attitude and behavior rapidly to meet organizational requirement. It is the result of peoples limited tolerance that lead to oppose potential beneficial changes even they know that it is positive change. E.g. an engineer in my former construction company received a significant promotion due to expansion. New position required new skill set, relationships as well as loss of some satisfactory current situation. It made him uneasy to give up certain aspects of current situation and resist changing since his tolerance for change was low and he did not understand wisely the reason of change. 3.0 Overcoming Resistance Many managers underestimate not only the variety of ways people can react to organizational change, but also the ways they can positively influence specific individuals and groups during change ( Kotter and Schlesinger, 1997, p-454). E.g. Singapore construction industry has been unable to achieve better productivity due to past experience of managers who dont understand advantages and disadvantages of the methods which they are familiar. So, organizational change becomes managements responsibility. And coping resistance resulted from organizational change becomes the haunting question for todays manager because it determine the success or failure of organization (Martin, 1975). Kotter and Schlesinger identify six practical techniques for managing and overcoming resistance (Buchanan and Huczynski, 2010): 3.1 Education and Communication Education is one of most common way that communicates ideas to reconcile opposing views. Kotter and Schlesinger (1979) discuss that this program can be ideal when resistance is based on inadequate or inaccurate information and analysis especially if the initiators need the resistors help in change implementation. Afferson, M. (2010) argue that this program requires face to face communication to discuss sensitive issues since email or written notices are very weak at conveying and developing understanding. E.g. former Philips CEO, Timmer used this program to explain the future of Philips to his employees. As a result, its operating income has increased (Strebel, 1998). Moreover, Buchanan and Huczynski (2010) also highlight requirement of mutual trust to overcome misunderstanding. 3.2 Participation and involvement According to Buchanan and Huczynski (2010), it can reduce opposition and lead to employees wholehearted commitment if the managers who initiate this program address to their concerns. And it will provide employees a sense of belonging to successful implementing of change. E.g. Coch and French (1948) experimented to examine the efficiency and effectiveness of participation to overcome resistance to change involving: introducing by managers to employees, employees representative participation and all employees involvement. Based on their experiment, all employees involvement was the best for overcoming resistance. But Buchanan and Huczynski (2010) also highlighted that it is time consuming and will be useful if employees skill and knowledge has ability to cope the changes. 3.3 Facilitation and support Buchanan and Huczynski (2010) suggest facilitation and support can overcome resistance when it is caused by fear or anxiety. Such approaches include new trainings or simply listening or emotional support. According to Kotter and Schlesinger (1979), one rapidly growing electronics company devised this program for its employees to adapt frequent organizational changes. They employed four counselors to spent most of their time in talking, listening, educating and training to employees. 3.4 Negotiation and agreement It is another way to deal with powerful individuals or groups who create major resistance such as offering incentives to facilitate changes (Buchanan and Huczynski, 2010). But they also alerted that it may become expensive for change and take more time to negotiate. E.g. Former Burmese military general have strong power to resist political reform in Burma. Current government has to negotiate with them to reach an agreement for successful change such as protecting their interests. 3.5 Manipulation and co-optation It involves covert attempts to sidestep potential resistance. Management puts forward proposals that appeal to the specific interests of key stakeholders. This information is selective, emphasizing benefits and playing down disadvantages. Co-optation involves giving key resistors direct access to the decision-making process, perhaps giving them well-paid, high-status management positions (Buchanan and Huczynski, 2010, p-573). E.g. A local manager in my former Japanese Construction Company invited Japanese manager to analyze one missing item in the design. Due to busy schedule, he was unable to do proper analysis. It limited his influence on the analysis. But his commitment was subsequently very important during discussing with Japanese director. Generally, he did not like someone trying to make changes. After discussion with Japanese manager, he did not try to block the change. 3.6 Implicit and explicit coercion Although many researchers advocate supportive approaches to overcome resistances, managers have to deal with resistance coercively such as firing or transferring to facilitate change. Buchanan and Huczynski (2010) discuss such situations as where the target group is profound disagreement, has little chance of shifting their ground, and the speed is essential for survival. But Kotter and Schlesinger (1979) argued that using coercion is risky because people will resent forced change inevitably. 4.0 Conclusion Strong resistance to change may root deeply in some organizations, but change has become inevitable for todays modern organizations in fast changing business environment for survival. In Figure 1, effective change management program should be implemented properly by the managers who understand the firms culture to facilitate the change process while protecting the interests of affected person. In this report, we applied Kotter and Schlesingers approaches to manage change. Since these approaches have their limitation, they may not be likely to be effective under all conditions and circumstances. There are many prescriptive models or approaches for successful change. In reality, appropriate approaches can be implemented based on the primary cause of resistance. So, manager may need to combine various techniques to manage organizational change. Finally, we would like to suggest Kurt Lewins 3 phase change management model: unfreezing, moving and refreezing because present approaches or technology may be unsuitable in future. We can learn from the failure and success of Nokia and Apple. Apple was able to unfreeze the old technology or mind set that are outdated, develop new process and technology to move on from the old ways of doing things to the new and refreeze again when all seem okay. And they start Lewins process again since refreezing stage may be temporary in future (see figure 4) where Nokia didnt.
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